The doll

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Kitty woke up with a sudden it must have just been a dream. "Phew!" Thought Kitty. Her relief only lasted a second as she looked at the curtain she realised it was open and she saw her bloody hand marks on the curtain. "Wait a minute, BLOOD!!! What the??!!"

She looked around the room, a cold chill went down her spine. She realised all that had happened wasn't a dream and that she wasn't in a dream now either. Her hands were covered in sweat and had goosebumps all around. "Keep it together kitty, it's just another of Sylvester's or Carol's pranks." Whispered Kitty to herself.

"I'm watching you"

"What? Just my imagination I'm going to wake up any second now"

I'm going to kill you"

"If this is you guys stop now because it's not funny and I can just tell mum or eh dad!"

"You going to your 'or eh dad' are you well your going now where"

"What? Who's there? Wake up Kitty! Wake up!"

Blood footprints started to walk closer and closer to Kitty and she knew she wasn't in a dream. She was going to die.

Just as she was about to scream and wake the living daylight out of everyone  in the world (or every galaxy and dimension) a cold brittle hand touched her shoulder. It belonged to no body literally no body and looked like it was 100 years old. A finger was burnt off and was all melted around the palm and had blood on it. A body began to appear out of thin air and revealed a body of no other but a


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