Count Bleck x Reader [update]

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((Yes it's true that Bluemiere and Timpani are true lovers, but heck with it. Admit it, you all were in love with the count at one point. I'll let you know that I am a sucker for bittersweet stories so It was especially fun (and terrible) to write this. I hope you feel dear reader, I hope you feel.))


You were a freak. You were all freaks; and you were all family, even under the name "minions."Deep down, you knew that the count cared about you all, even enough to erase the world for a better one.

Maybe that's why you were in love with him.

Honestly, you weren't the only one. Mimi would never stop telling you about how happy she and the count would be together after they got married. Nastasia's emotionless personality would melt into a shy and sweet core when she would have personal chats with him. And you, well, you were rather quiet about it.

It didn't help that your best friend Dimento (before betrayal guys) would always pick on you for it. "My, my (Y/N), like a little egg from the nest you have fallen in love! Looks like Mimi has got herself quite the competition."he would coo, almost too loudly to your distraught. "Such a shame that he won't ever feel the same way about you." Honestly, you knew very well that the count wouldn't. It was okay though, he did so much for you that you didn't feel desperate for his love, but the feeling was still there.

Despite the drama (and sometimes a jealous spider girl throwing a fit, only for you two to have a secret chit chat about how hot the guy was ), you were all happy and the count was happy.

Well... not today it seemed.

"Good morning Mister Count!~"Mimi chirped at the unusually late arrival of Count Bleck. "Hello my Count." You smile, passing some cereal to the warrior O'Chunks. "Good day to the both of you' sighed Count Bleck." The count murmured in his third-person talk.
"Oy! Yew alright lad? Yew seem downer than a goomba after bein' stoomped!" O'Chunk's booming accent filled the room. ((Read it with an accent. READ IT WITH AN ACCENT!!))
"Quite alright my friend." Count Bleck gave a nod. He soon left toward his chambers afterward.

Something was definitely wrong.

"Ah ha ha! Did I just witness the Count Bleck waltzing out of the room without giving his trademark speeches?!" Dimento cackled.
"And he didn't compliment my dress!" Mimi whined worriedly. "He always does!"
"Since when?" You joke, getting a playful shove from Mimi.
"The Count is a busy man," Nastasia's monotonous, slightly nasally voice explains. "He must be busy."
"Busy indeed," O'Chunks scoffs. "That there's a lyook of a troubled man." You stay silent after what he says, but your mind scatters in curiosity.

It wasn't until later that day when the talk of the count came up again. Mimi had planned everyone to come and watch The Little Mermaid with her and her favorite person wasn't showing up.

O'Chunks turns to you. "Y/N, yew really shood go and check on him. Me thinks he's got enough space."
"Why me?" You ask. "You think he will listen?""Aye, he will, yew gotten a heart of goold." The warrior winks. "I see the way yoo lyook at him."
You smile shyly then turn to go to the twisted stairways to his room.
"Hurry it up darling!" Dimento's voice rings mockingly. "Mimi's going to lose it!"

When you reach Count Bleck's room, you knock politely for a response. "My Count, may I come in?" You call through the door. After a pause, you hear his voice. "'Enter!' Permitted Count Bleck.'" Permitted Count Bleck. (Damn it Count)
You walk in and see him turn around and relax at your presence. "Oh, (Y/N)," he exhales. "You need to converse with Count Bleck?" " Actually sir, I was sent to call you down to watch a movie with us, Mimi is starting to freak." You chuckle and the count smiles slightly.

"You've been reading that book again, haven't you?" You ask gravely and point at the small black book on the count's desk. You knew exactly what it was; and it made your stomach squeeze when you looked at it. "'No,' mournfully answered Count Bleck,' he preached. "It was something else I'm afraid."
"My Count," you answer nervously, feeling tension on your shoulders . "Is there something... well... bothering you?"
It was a stupid to ask questions you knew the answer to, but you didn't want to lose him.
Count Bleck stays silent, his eyes don't meet yours.
"Did I do something wrong?" You quail.
"'Preposterous!' Exclaimed Count Bleck!" His hand grabbed yours dramatically. "You wouldn't hurt a thing!"

You chuckle coyly, almost feeling
guilty at his statement.

"Did we do something wrong?" He sighs and shakes his head. "Twas I dear (Y/N), only me, bleck." You subconsciously squeeze his hand in concern; you feel an intense aura of sadness as you meekly whisper. "My Count, may I... I mean... as your minion, I ask if you... um... I am here to aid you, and,"
"Speak up, bleck." The count mutters.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened, but please, don't-!"

Words tumble from your mouth. You stop. Take a small breathe, and continue in a more controlled manner.
"You don't have to say anything; just don't suffer alone." The count turns around completely. "Please my count." You say gently. "I owe you my life and so much more. You helped us so much, please, can I help you in return?"

The count trembles slightly at your words before turning around completly and booming, "ENOUGH! DO YOU REALLY THINK YOU CAN HELP ME?! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT YOUR GETTING INTO!"

You shrink in fear, bowing your head in responce. Count Bleck's breathing is uneven; His expression changes from enraged to troubled. He chuckles, but it almost sounds like a sob. "You and your heart...." he seems to be remenicing. "Don't you know that it will get you killed one day?"

You look up to him sadly. Sure you knew; and for that reason you embrace him. He stiffens up at the unusual contact. "Bleck! 'Release me at once!' Demands Count Bleck!" he commands angrily; and for the first time, you refuse a direct order.

"Stop it... please..." Soon the count slowly descends deeper into his sorrow.

His hands grip your clothing as his shoulders slightly shake. He doesn't say anything, but the tears are enough. You begin to feel yourself having the urge to cry too. It wasn't fair. He didn't deserve any of this. Not one of you deserved this pain. It just wasn't fair!

"I love you." you murmur. Count Bleck halts his emotion in confusion. "Wh... what?" Your eyes burn as you continue. "It's just not fair! You are such a wonderful person! Stop making yourself think that your not!" You cradle his warm, sticky cheek with your hand. It was almost funny of how beautiful he was when he showed that he cared. You wanted to show that you cared too.

You lean in and give the broken man a kiss. His lips are jagged, as if not meant for kissing, but warm, as if for a deeper meaning. Count Bleck's surprised look seems to be processing the feeling of having someone's lips against his own. He should be disgusted at his minion's impulsiveness! Absolutely revolted!

But at the same time, he wants to savor the moment. They were so much like her....

His sweet Timpani....

You pull away only to realize "Oh wait! I didn't know if he was okay with that! I'm screwed!"

Count Bleck still seems a bit dazed. You want to apologize over and over again; Dimento was right to call you a fool for feeling this way, and you acted it out at the worst possible time, selfish bitch. "I'm so-" you were interrupted by the count. He gives you a sad and grateful smile, tears are in his eyes again. "... thank you."

You knew the count would never feel the same way that you did. It hurt, but at least he was there to mend your heart as you did his; and when you led the count downstairs to where Nastasia was trying her best to soothe the tantrum queen which was Mimi, (O'Chunks was cowering behind the couch, and Dimento was laughing his head off), you knew it would be okay. "Such a lovely group we are, am I right (Y/N)? " Count Bleck chuckles, his hand still in your. You smile satisfyingly. "I love it sir."

Yeah, you'd all be okay.

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