Part 3 Moving on

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*I felt like my body is growing weak as i tried to hold on to my tears........ yesterday my best friend left me without a word.......i can't like knowing she is not with me how do i live?how?



as the night grew jungkook felt sleepy and slept at umi's droorsteps the ahjumma called jeon's AKA jungkook's parents and they took jungkook home.

                                                                            END OF NARRATOR'S POV


Me/jungkook"this is all a nightmare she is still there ....and after a few moments she is goimng to jolt in my room and tease me and call me fetus that probably it''

Maid'' *knock knock*''

Me''come in'' 

Maid'' young master breakfast is served''

Me''oh........... ok i'll be there''

Me'' *sigh * anni. ........ she is going to come i know it ''

                                                                               YOUR POV 

*while in the plane i can only hear jungkook's precious voice every where...... i'm almost dead inside thinking about the fact that i will probably never  see that happy face of jungkook never laugh with him* ahh.. heavy sigh* my parents are talking but i can't even hear them it's like everything around me  has gone silent or maybe died cuz im dead in my soul*

Dad''umi umi .......umi'' 

You'' oh..... yeah dad?''

Dad'' are you okay?''

You'' oh.... yeah im fine just feeling little down''

Dad'' everything is going  to be fine sweety '' * he assured you just faked a smile*

You'' appa...............are we there yet?''

Dad'' yeah just a few minutes''

Dad'' umi come we are in LA  palli!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''

You'' ye appa''

*sigh* ahhh;;

You'' ahh......we are rlly here away from everyone ... jungkook... well here i go wish me luck''*you said to yourself*


sorry from late update..

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