Chapter 6

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Naomasa groaned, letting the case file in his hands land on the coffee table as he leaned back into the couch. Toshinori Yagi picked the file up, eyeing it with interest. "What's this?"

"The latest vigilante activity." The detective muttered, staring at the ceiling, "All of it is Kuroko's copycat. Every. Single. One."

"Kuroko? That's a name I haven't heard in a long time." Toshinori commented, opening the file and skimming through. "These are rather extensive." He noted as he continued to read. "When did they first show up?"

"A week ago, he's showed up a week ago. The guy's taking care of the problems before we can get to them, half of the time he's the one telling people to call the cops." Naomasa sat back up, pinching the bridge of his nose. "The media is going nuts, asking questions even you heroes don't have answers to; public opinion of the police is falling fast and we can't do anything about it."

"Have you tried setting a trap for this 'copycat'?" Toshinori asked, closing the file and placing it back down on the coffee table.

"And how would we go about doing that, exactly? We can't predict when a crime will occur, and the only thing we know about him is that he always shows up at night!" The detective sighed. "I'm sorry, Toshi, it's been a stressful few weeks."

The blond waved the apology away, "Not to worry, old friend, everyone has their share of tough times." He stated sagely. "The file said he usually stepped in when the crime was in unpopulated places, maybe you could have some 'criminals' wander around the area and have backup ready to intervene?"

Naomasa froze, "That.....actually might work!" The detective cried, "Toshi, you're a genius!" He stood up and started pacing around the coffee table as he went over prospective plans.

"I live to serve." Toshinori commented dryly, letting his friend work out a plan as he became enveloped in his own thoughts. The last they'd seen of Kuroko had been years ago, when he'd been electrocuted by a villain. Five years, the same amount of time since he'd fought against All for One and received a handicap on his quirk. The vigilante had been helpful back then, often giving information on the organized crime units for All Might to pass on to the police. In another life he might have even considered the Black Fox a friend, someone he could trust; but circumstance was a cruel mistress, Kuroko was on the wrong side of the law, and it was All Might's duty to apprehend all wrongdoers regardless of his personal opinion. He stared at the file, laying innocently on the table,

It seems like even Kuroko has found a successor to his legacy; and I've yet to find mine.

The knot that was Izuku's stomach wouldn't come undone as he sat in his room, anxiously waiting for his letter from UA. Iida kept telling him that if he did fine, then Izuku would have done fine as well, due to going over the same subjects together; but the inner ball of anxiety that was Izuku Midoriya's brain would not be silenced by logical thought.

'I failed, didn't I, that's why it's taking so long for the letter to get here. They failed me then sent it late on purpose to make me get my hopes up.' Was the current train wreck of thought crashing through the teenager's head as he read online newsfeed in a vain attempt to distract himself. On another note, it seemed like his vigilante persona was all the talk on the news now. Everyone wanted to know one thing and one thing only: who was Kuroko? They'd probably be a bit disappointed to realise the infamous Black Fox was sitting in his room, trying not to freak out as it got later into the night and there was still no letter from Yuuei.

He nearly leaped out of his skin when his phone vibrated loudly on the desk, and picking it up, Izuku read the text.

Recieved 7:45 pm.

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