chapter 3

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Serrina's POV

sammi and i both reaised that it was becuase we were spies. fuck fuck fuck fuck they must want infomation. we all heard them coming downstairrs. they grabbed Sammi. What are they doing? they took her to a cell across the hallway where we could still see her. tied her feet together and her arms to this hangy thing. she looked relly frightened. they put duct tape on her mouth and started asking questions. 

"where is your home base?" one screamed sammi shook her head. the other punched her in the gut. 

"what do you know about us?" the one before screamed at her again she just shook her head that earned her a punch to the face

this continued for hours and it was torture just to watch. so imagine how sammi must feel. they kicked her leg and i hear a CRACK! she screamed and you could hear it over the duct tape. her leg, it was was then i noticed there was another hangy thing. i knew then that if she didn't answer anything she would be killed then it would be my turn and Belle would just have to watch. one of them pulled out a knife and stabbed her. narrowly missing where her lungs would be and hitting her hip. she hung there limply and i they came in. 

"if she dies your next" one said pointing to me they left but didn't close our door properly. sammi's was left open because she could barel move. 

Sammi's POV

i was in so much pain but i couldn't give them any answers. she stabbed me narowwly missing my lungs and hitting my hip. i blacked out and woke to someone slapping me. NNNOO not again. i opened my eyes and saw Serrina. she untied me and i fell to the floor. Belle came and helped her help me up. Serrina helped me to the basement door we went up the stairs and hobbled over one way. we were at the door when we realised Belle had gone the other way. we didn't want to go back into the house for fear that they would come and hurt us. we got to the edge when the one that had demanded answers came out. she stabbed Serrina in the leg and we tried to get away. we managed to run to the other side of the house when suddenly Belle appeared. 

"are you guys ok? why are you running?"

"they're running becuase of us" one of the kidnappers said

we all gasped and turned around. both serrina and i looked at each other and realised. we ain't fit to fight but Belle is. we pushed her forward a little. she sent us a glance. she turned around and was punched. she fell but we caught her and pushed her back. the one that had been asking me questions came and started chasing me and serrina. i turned around and punched her. then continued running. we ran back to were belle was winning the fight. the girl saw and ran away. serrina and i helped beat the other girl up then left. we were walking back towards the house when one girl sneaked passed us

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