A New Jammer

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Hey babes! Just a heads up, I wrote this, um, "book", about three years ago. I barely use the sites anymore, but I check in on Animal Jam and Wattpad once in awhile. My username is "gr8ting". Anywhooooo, enjoy! :)

 "Hey guys! (Youtube name) here! Today I have a very, VERY special announcement!" I paused to take a breath. "I'm going to JAMFEST"! I turn the camera around to face the impressive party-like display I made for this video. "TADAAAAAA!" I take out a noise maker and start jumping and dancing around. I cut the video back to me sitting down calmly and thanking my fans for their support. I sigh and return to my normal, non-hyper voice. Age 18 and I still jump around like five-year-old.  I edit the video and post it. As I'm packing for tomorrow's airplane ride, I get a call from my best friend, Lauren. (Not writing Animaljammer330 every time, guys. ^-^) I answered the call. "HEY, BESTIE!" Lauren screams. I laugh. "Hey Lauren! What's so important?" Lauren moves off-screen and twists the  camera so a young man appears on the screen. "Oh umm, hi" I ask. Lauren's voice cuts in. I know you don't really watch other Animal Jam videos, but this is my friend, Aparri.  ''Yeah, I'm the swag master, boi!!!'' He says. Whatever, just another guy with a huge ego, I think.  ''You're not swag, your just an average bean!'' ''Yeah! You're un-kawaii!'' Julian and  Wisteria come on screen, and I wave. ''Where are you guys? I ask.'' We are at the airport for our second flight!'' Julian answers.  ''WAIT, WHAT?!??!??'' I yell and shut off the computer. I had the date wrong!!! I rush to gather everything out of the hotel room. [Okay you guys are probably confused now... okay so they have all flown from their own home on a plane to Conneticut, and where all supposed to meet on their second flight to  LA.] I realize I had mixed up the dates and only had 45 minutes to get to the airport.  I rushed out the door and ran to the parking lot, threw my stuff into the car and sped to catch my airplane,   *timeskip*   ''Now boarding 9:15 flight to Los  Angles, please take your seats'' I sigh as I hurridley get my bags checked. I scramble to get on the plane, and I'm so worried I almost forget I get to ride in first-class.

*Hey guys! Made this a couple months ago, and uh.... yeah. Prepare for a mild cringe!*

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