Chapter 4

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Me and Harry arrive home and I brought the dogs at the backyard to their dog house.

" hello, Harry, what brought you here?" mom ask as she saw us.

" me and Sophie are partners in music, we're going to sing together" Harry replied.

" oh really? well, Sophie, you guys use the music room" mom said.

" the what?" Harry ask.

" the music room" I replied.

" you have that here in your house?" Harry ask wide eyed.

" yeah, we also have a play room and a family room" Mom replied.

" oh, wow" Harry said.

" well, you guys start practicing, while I make you some snacks" mom said.

I nod and we walk to the music room. Dad made this room, because he know that I'll be a singer someday. In the room there's the complete collection of guitars. A white piano, which was a gift from my grandpa on my sixteenth birthday.

There's a drum set, a flute and some other wind instrument. A violin, small organ, and a harp.

There's a small living room at the center for us to chill.

" wow, I never knew that you guys have a music room" Harry said.

" well, obviously cause we weren't friends anymore" I said 

I walk to the piano. 

" remember grandpa Joey?" I ask Harry.

" yeah, the one that we prank when we were 4?" Harry ask.

I chuckled and laughed.

" yeah,  that's him.. he gave me this piano on my sixteenth birthday" I said while smiling.

" really? uh.. sorry I didn't come" Harry said. I smiled to him.

" can you play for me?" Harry ask.

" sure " I replied.

I started playing the piano,  and started singing. ' Almost Is Never Enough'



After the song, me and Harry look at each other. I smiled.

" you have a great voice" Harry said.

" thanks, you too, your voice was incredible" I said while smiling to him.

" so, that's what we're going to sing?" Harry ask.

" I guess" I replied. Harry smiled and nods.

" Harry, can I ask you something? " I said.

" yeah?" Harry said.

" why are you so being nice to me today, and being a jerk when were in school?" I ask.

He look down and frowned.

" I'm sorry, its just, reputation takes over me" Harry replied 

I nod in understanding.

" Sophie, I'm sorry, I hope you understand why I hurt you in school" Harry said. I smiled and a tear came out of my eye.

I wiped it quickly. But Harry saw it.

He groaned.

" why do I always make you cry, I'm such an idiot!" Harry shouted.

I smiled.

" its okay,  I deserve it though" I said.

" kids! come down here for some snacks" mom shouted.

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