Michael is the new sexy single teacher for Erwin Street Elementary in Van Nuys Californina. All the female teachers are either in love with him or think he’s an adorable man. The men on the facilty wonder what he’s got they don’t. Michael is sweet, kind and soft spoken. He loves children. Loves to watch them learn and grow. He’s outgoing, funny and very available. What no one knows is behind his smile and good nature, he is a lonely man. Michael is shy, and doesn’t easily speak to women on a personal nature. If it’s work related or speaking to parents about their children, he does well. If he were to ask them out, forget it. Michael is tongue tied and awkward. His brothers Marlon and Jackie try so hard to get him to losen up. They go out to clubs and singles bars but nothing works. His brothers are more suave and dashing with the ladies. They never go home without a lady or two on their arms. Until they meet Three women who happen to work at Michael’s school One is in the office and two are teachers, Kindergarten and 4th grade. His Kindergarten class partner who teaches in the other class has captured his heart at first glance. Will he be able to over come his awkwardness or? Will she even give him the time of day? But still, a shadowy figure from his past seeks to make things uncomfortable for Michael. Can he over come his past mistakes, his past heartaches or will the catch up with him and destroy him and his chance for happiness?