Chapter 7 + rant

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"Hi it's Wendy, right?" you smiled. "I always loved the name Wendy!" you giggled taking a step towards the shy girl.

"That's c-cool" she tried walking out but you blocked her with your arm

"Don't go!" You put your arm at your side and looked down "I guess I was just hoping to make a friend".

You looked up smiling sadly at the girls guilty expression. "But I bet you have all the friends you need huh" you sighed.

"Hardly" She whispered.

You walked towards her "Really? I'm sorry I just thought, you know, with your mother being the Queen of the sky dragons and head mistress. And not to mention your..." she smiled as you tried to find the right word.


Wendy sighed "I rather be pretty. You have great hair! I wish I had long hair" (Wendy has short hair here)

You grabbed your short/long (h/c) hair.

Your Pov

I got an idea! "You know what Wendy?" I grabbed a spell book I found in my father's room.

"Let's see...aha! Here it is! Beware for swear replace the old with brand new hair"

I casted the spell and her hair grew longer. She looked in the mirror and started smiling a lot.

I felt small arms wrap around me. "Thank you! Thank you!"

"No problem. Here turn around for a sec" she turned around and I grabbed two pink hair bows and tied them into small pigtails on each side of her head and her hair loose in the back. (Like the grand magic games arc)

"There you go! You're very pretty with or without long hair" I smirked and sat on top of the sink counter. "But if you really want to keep your hair all soft and long you should ask your mom"

"But my mom doesn't use magic on anyone anymore" she said.

"But I thought your mom loved you. She may be a sky dragon but she also has a magic book that everyone knows of" I played with the edge of your (shirt/dress/whatever).

"She does it's just that nobody, not even she can use the book. I mean it does say the word END on it which sounds scary" she played with her dress.

"Yeah it does but why else would it be named END. It's used for umm..."

She looked at me and I gulped.

"Split ends..?" It came more out like a question than a statement. What a stupid excuse.

"Really?" She smiled.

"Yea! It helps get rid of those pesky split ends forever and... do all kinds of stuff for not just your hair, but your body! So if you get your hands on it you should invite me I could help you" I jumped off and saw her smile grabbing her bag.

"Of course! You'll be the first one I'll call! Thank you!" she skipped out happily and I smiled leaning on the counter. At least I'm starting to gain her trust. I walked out towards my next class, literacy.

"Great another class with these kids. At least I'm one step closer to getting that book" you muttered walking by teens giving you the stank look.

(If you go to school with the average 'popular girl' you know what look I'm talking about)

That's today's update I will try to do another tomorrow but I would like to rant about school to you guys and see how you relate. Please read I think it's interesting and you tell me if I'm right or wrong for thinking my teacher is a mother fucking bitch!

My bitch ass literacy teacher had the nerve to give homework on the first day. I know a lot of kids get homework on the first day but she didn't even bother introducing herself since she is a new teacher at our school. The first thing she said was "everyone sit down and copy the notes on the board because you guys have homework" and she times us 2 minutes to write a 5 page worth of notes. Then on the second day which as yesterday me and my friends came from p.e and it's so hot and we sweaty as fuck but she has the nerve to time the whole class 1 minute for 20 of us to drink water at the fountain and sit down in our still unassigned seats. Then when she comes in we are not allowed to speak one word and tells us to take out homework and timed us 10 seconds to take it out and separate it into 3 piles. My group still didn't finish separating because they were confused so one of them asked me a question on where one of her papers go and I was helping by telling her where to put the paper and the bitch had the nerve to make me sit in the back of the class by myself because I was supposedly chit chatting about un related topics and interrupting the class. Bitch! I'm fixing these plies of homework for you NOT for me! And I'm blind as fuck so I couldn't see the board that well so I took longer to write my notes and she complaining about how we don't write fast enough. Bitch made us write a bunch of notes in 1 minute she dumb. Then when she saw my essay we were supposed to write during the summer about a book we were supposed to read along with it she wants to act all nice complimenting my work. She must feel bad for making, not to brag, one of the best students sit in the back. When I graduate I'm not even gonna mention her name and I'm going to flip the bitch off when I leave for good.

7/8/20: lmao I was mad pressed for a middle schooler

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