Chapter 1: "Accidentally"

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Caution: Grammatical errors. I wrote this book when I was in seventh grade and I really don't mind my grammars back then. So I apologize in advance if you see some mistakes. Don't worry, I'll edit when I have time, and I'll continue writing this fanfic :)


"Arrrrrgh! I hate this boy!" I put my book down aggressively on the table that I made a very loud thump.

"Sssh!" The librarian hissed. I made a quick embarrassment face to myself and face Jackie with a pout.

"What did he do this time?" My best friend Jackie replied. She read a book about dragons while I rolled my eyes because I really hate to talk about it.

"He mix my cauldron with dragon scales and Snape put RavenClaw -30 because of me," I almost yelled, but we're in the library and this is never the right place to scream out your feelings.

"It's a good thing that you're still one piece," Jackie said. I noticed her appearance that she's a little bit gloomy so I asked, "Is there something wrong Jack?" She quickly smiled (which is fake) and answered, "I got low in Charms."

I actually don't care about her grades, all I care is about her. She is probably the smartest student in Ravenclaw and it slightly annoys me that she feels disgusted at a two mistake test. We spotted Hermione, Ron and Harry outside the library talking about something. We didn't bother to say hi nor greet them good morning cause we're shy. They're legends! For us anyway. Proably Hermione talked to me once but I stuttered because of my butterflies so I fled leaving her dumbstruck which is so stupid of me. 

"Can you fight him back?" Jackie replied I urge to reply to her but she continued, " You two are always out of each other's league. Is there a chance that you could be friends with him?" Seriously? Who wants to be friends with a Slytherin who ruins your life, your projects, seatworks, everything? Not me, obviously.

"Hey Jackie? Do you think I'm an idiot? Of course I'm not making friends with him! He bullied me since first year. Unlike Harry, but he also bullies me," I choked. None of the Slytherins were actually nice to me, even the girls, but I don't like them either because they're really good in gossiping and they're a bunch of pigs.

I was thinking of fighting back of until Jackie interrupts my future plan.

"Tori, see who's coming this way," She nudge my arm. Oh. My. Good. Lord. Malfoy's here with his friends. He spotted me with his silvery eyes.

"Jackie! Hide me!" I whisper-yelled. But it's too late. He laughs at me with two sneers behind his back. He 'accidentally' pushes me beside a wall and walked away with his friends. Both Jackie and I stared at him hard core thinking of revenge, but we really must obey the rules. It's actually our fault for being goody good two shoes. But I promise that someday, I'll take my turn.


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