High School and Hell Both Start With 'H'

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Gil's dream went a little like this:
He was getting ready for school and pulling on his binder, when his two best friends, Antonio and Francis barged in. Naturally, Gil jumped and covered his chest. At this, Toni came over and pulled Gil's binder down, then whispered, "Good Luck, you'll need it."
Gil blinked. "Huh?" He questioned, but Toni and Francis were pointing at something. "Look, ami!" Francis monotoned, for some reason. Gil turned to follow his gaze, only to find himself in a classroom. Gil looked at himself, only to realize he was sitting at the desk in only his boxers and binder. Before Gil could panic, the teacher was calling roll.

"Bertha Beilschmidt?" The elderly teacher crooned.

No. No, no, no. That was not his name. No, that name was dead. Why was it on her list, his name was legally Gilbert!


Panic. That was the only thing going through his mind. Make it stop, please...

The old hag met his panicked gaze. "Bertha, there you are."

"No..." Gil said, looking at his hands. They were small, and his nails were painted. Pink sleeves trailed up his arms, leading to a Pepto Bismol colored blouse.



Gil woke up in a cold sweat in the dark. He lay there, panting for a minute before rolling over to see his alarm clock.

5:20 AM.

It was September 1st, and today he and his sister were going to be freshman in high school. 5:20... Well, Gil wanted to take a shower, and he ought to do that before his sister got up. So, Gil flicked on his light, and ventured out of his room.

In the hallway, there was family pictures through the ages. A little girl holding a baby in a blue onesie, the same little girl in a fancy dress at dance class, and many school photos. Eventually, he passed one from about a year ago. It displayed him, his sister, and their stoic father all in one picture. Their father was often traveling, so Gil was majorly responsible for his sister. Gil walked to the kitchen, and scrambled some eggs, topping it off with orange juice and toast. As if on que, his tall little sister poked her head in the doorway, squinting in the light.

"Food?" She questioned.

"Yep. Eggs, toast, and orange juice. You eat, I'm going to get in the shower."

His sister, Loudivine, or just Vinnie, nodded. "Thanks, Gil."

"No prob, sis."


Vinnie and Gil got on the bus and were greeted by Francis and Toni hollaring for them to sit in the back with them. They took the seat next to them, and Vinnie immediately put on her headphones and tuned out. Francis, Toni, and Gil talked about random things for a while until the bus came to another stop. Here, three people got on. One, a boy with an American flag t-shirt on and a blond cowlick, Two, a shorter boy wearing an oversized green sweater, and Four, an androgynous teen about Gil's age with a black jacket, blonde curly hair, and purple lipstick.

Girl's heart did a drop-spin.

Gil hadn't noticed he was staring until Francis nudged him, and mentioned it.

"They're... They're really... Attractive? I- I want to know them." Gil sputtered, in reference to the teen with purple lipstick. Francis laughed. "I fancy the sweater-draped one myself." Francis and Gil talked about this for a while, until the bus unloaded. It left them in the courtyard, where other students were looking for people who shared a homeroom with them and venturing off to the room. Toni, Vinnie, and Francis shared one and had grouped off, leaving Gil to grumble to himself.

"What do High School and He'll have in common...?" He sarcastically wondered out loud.

"Hmmm. They both start with an 'H'? I wouldn't pass judgement just yet." Someone responded. Gil whipped around to see a person in front of him of almost 6 feet, with a black jacket, curly hair, and... Purple lipstick.

"Hi, I'm Mattie."

Gilbert may have forgotten how to breathe.

A/N- Hope you enjoyed this chapter! More to come! 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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