A New Beginning

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   Why is it that just about a year ago I was running around with absolutely no worries, caring less about what people thought about me? Knowing that someone would always catch me if I fall. The moment you're considered a young adult forget about all that, you're now a lone wolf protecting yourself from the troubled mind of life. Doing you're best to dodge obstacles after obstacles and constantly worrying about everyone else but yourself. Fair? I think not. Everything started to hit me in middle school, aka a place preparing you for the horrors of high school. 

  The sixth grade is... well the fresh meat grade. The moment you walk through that school prepare yourself for the judging of a life time. I myself was the bull's eye of the never ending target, I was super short for my age, had rainbow colored braces, big nerdy glasses, and to top it off a baggy uniform. Don't you just hate it that buying a good decent uniform is basically impossible, everyone looks like they got a designer uniform and I look like I have a potato sack over my shoulders. Literally the most agonizing thing ever, anyways of course I had no idea I looked like a troll. Surprising enough I had friends but my sister from another mister was Olivia. We had known each other from 5th grade and we created a strong bond of stupidity and embarrassment. We were the laughing stock of the school, minutes from being caught doing embarrassing things. But we were fine with this, we couldn't careless who saw us. I guess that's what made us so close in our friendship. 

Early that morning in school Olivia had told me how a friend of her's was starting new at the school. Weirdly enough I felt bad for the kid, I for one hate the idea of starting over. Having to worry about making a good impression is not my idea of good wasted time. I hate having people judge me, ironically enough I was friends with Olivia. Olivia is one of the most judgmental  people I know. In some way her sincerity makes me closer to her, I guess its funny how she can't tell a white lie. Olivia was already off the batt telling me how her friend was super geeky and awkward looking ( little did we know we were exactly like that ), like I said way too judgmental about her "friend". I promised her that I would be nice to her friend, Mark, since he just seemed desperate for a friend according her descriptions. 

It was finally 8:20, the time to get out of the humid Miami temperature and into the refreshing ac  of the school building. I swear we all looked terrible, sweaty backs, faces, and worst of all sweaty smell. You can literally smell amazing for the 5 minutes you get there, but I promise you you're going to end up smelling like a zoo for the rest of the day. Olivia and I ran inside desperate for the ac, luckily enough my huge book bag shoved everyone out of our way. We finally walked into our homeroom, Mrs. Rodriguez's class, and I could immediately tell who was Olivia's friend. Sadly enough all her judgmental descriptions fit accurate for him, he had small thin rectangular glasses, his dark brown hair was styled in a bob haircut, he was chubby for his tall body structure, and his intense brown eyes avoided contact with anyone except the floor. Weirdly enough I felt some kind of weird connection to him, it was like I was meant to meet him. Of course I wouldn't admit this to anyone, especially Olivia she would just think I'm crazy to think that of someone most of all him. Olivia decided that it would be best to meet him now and just get it over with, I was honestly kind of nervous I couldn't figure out why. Olivia introduced me to him and he was just quietly staring at the floor until he had the strength to raise up his eyes from the floor and take a quick glance at me. We both felt so awkward we decided to walk away and not bother him anymore. Meanwhile in homeroom Olivia was telling me all about her summer, but I couldn't stop looking at him. He looked so shy and nervous but I knew there was something else about him that connected me to him. For one embarrassing moment he actually looked up at me and we made complete eye contact, quickly enough he went back to staring at the floor and I listening to Olivia's apparently never ending summer. 

The rest of the day was fine, it was just basically everyone presenting themselves. I knew mostly everyone already, there was Jackson, Mason, Tyler, Ricky, Olivia, Sarah, Lacey, Sabrina and I kind of met Mark earlier. Jackson was basically the leader of the guys group, Chase, Neal and Mason were his minions supporting what ever he did. He had big green eyes and black floppy hair, all the girls were dying to just get close to him. No wonder he was their role model. He didn't give any of the girls a second look though, I guess he was already talking to someone. Olivia and I didn't even bother trying, of course we thought he was cute but he was way out of our league. Which is ok, we knew there would be someone waiting for us (at least we hoped so). Anyways Chase is what we described as DHB, Disgusting Human Being. His pants are always falling down, meaning everyone's eyes are exposed to way more than what we want to see. He's kind of nice, especially to me which is complicated. I'm the type of person who can't stand hurting people's feelings, I'm considered too nice according to Olivia. Anyways he's always staring at me, I just wish he would realize that I don't have DHB fever. Neal is a nerdy little fella, my first impression of him was actually pretty good. I thought he was kinda cute, he had blond hair and dark green eyes. It only takes you a couple of minutes to realize that he's a computer geek with barely no interest in human interaction. After that realization I cursed myself for even thinking about him that way. Mason is well.... I don't like to judge but..... THE BIGGEST HUMAN BEING EVER. He can barely sit down, whenever he does I have a feeling that the seat is about to crack under pressure. He's really sweet though, I just wish he would care about his body....its just plain sad. That was Jackson's posy, the three musketeers in some weird twisted way. Then there's Tyler and Ricky the awkward guys who are way out of their group. Tyler is super sweet and nice to people who actually get to know him, the problem is no one wants to. He just doesn't seem like the approachable type of guy. Ricky is another DHB he has no personal hygiene and when I say none, I literally mean none. He always smells terrible, his finger nails are super long and it looks like the dirt under them are home to about a million worms. Those are the disastrous mess of guys.. then there's Mark so far no comment about him expect a seemingly interesting stranger. 

 Now the gals, we have no leader but our personalities do represent a type. For example, Lacey is the mom out of our group she has everything suited and ready for us. Her book bag is mainly composed of first aid kits, she even looks like a mom. She's super short ( shorter than me) with wide hips, the casual mom look. Sarah is the tom boy, now its not that she's not into girl things but she definitely is into guy things. Doesn't really care about her hair or how she looks, the holy grail of being a female. She's super chill and actually plays video games, I don't even know how to turn on the controller. Sabrina is the scary one, like she actually scares me. She's secretly goth, she looks really sweet and perky but once you get to know her her dark side will give you nightmares. She's a book worm who has no interest in human nature, unless you can talk about goth stuff or relate to her books. So this is my weird class, of course there's some new kids to the class but I haven't really talked to them yet. 

I spent the whole day staring at Mark trying to build up the nerve to talk to him, I don't know why it was so hard for me I'm usually good at starting conversations. The whole day swept by and not a word came between us, then the worst thing possible could have happened. I had P.E with him, meaning he would have to see my hair expand into an afro, see sweat drops rain down my face and worst of all hear me wheezing after the 3 mile run. Honestly why even bother talking to him anymore, with my luck I'll eventually create such a bad impression he'll just transfer schools. Thankfully we didn't have to run in P.E that day it was a free day meaning we could do anything we wanted to do. Now a person with a brain wouldn't have done anything that day, maybe walk around or sit and talk. But then again it's me we're talking about, for some reason, god knows why, I decided the proper way to break the ice between Mark and I was to have Ricky invite him to play jump rope with us. Surprising enough it worked he came over and we all played jump rope together, which seemed super awesome at the moment but now is just plain embarrassing. P.E finally ended and yet not a word came out of our mouths, at that point I had just given up. I was getting ready to go home and then I finally hear someone force a word out towards me. Hi. I looked back at Mark surprised and he stared at me with a small smile on his face. I knew this was the start of something new.

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