New Kid

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(Okay you can choose to be human or a muppet 7u7 ARE YOU A HUMAN OR A MUPPET? *starts a musical number*)
No ones POV

You've been part of the Muppets for not so long only like 3 years and Floyd Said he got a new member for the muppets and you were so exited because they said he or she was a kid and 11 years old and they new him or her ever since he or she was born.
You kept asking everyone when the new kid was coming but they just said they didn't know but you knew they knew and you knew that they knew that they knew.

It's been 5 hours when you heard the door open and footsteps stomping around but they stopped as soon as they heard the others walking to the front. "oh my god like it's been forever Cody!" Janice said taking a step forward, she stopped when the kid gave her a stare "You too Janice" You could tell it was a girl's voice so you walked over to where the rest were. As soon as you laid your eyes on her You were just shocked to see how small she was but she still was kinda taller The muppets.

Readers POV
"Hi! You must be Cody! Omg! Your so adorable!! I LOVE CHILDREN!" You said kneeling down and squeezed her cheeks "Careful y/n she's a *Whistles and twirls his finger in a circle motion*" Dr teeth said "Not as crazy as you.....Tooth fairy?" Cody shot back while snapped her fingers in his face "That must've burned" Zoot said Patting Dr teeth's back while He put his hand on his chest as if that actually hurt "You've gotten good kiddo" He replied Patting Cody's head while she growled "you know I could talk by 5 UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT" She said Stepping forward While Dr teeth stepped back and others trying not to giggle or laugh "Hey it not my fault you know what happened when you where 5" Zoot said "Then it's clear you never cared Loot" She said Sticking her pointer and middle finger But crossing them so the middle finger was like Ticking someone off "Boom" She said stepping back "Hey I did care about you I didn't say I didn't and my name is not loot" Zoot replied walking away laughing "You just did and That's how I heard your name....what's your name again?" Cody said softly. Later Cody found her old Room and got ready for the performance But she just was doing the Guitar while Floyd did the Bass guitar and Janice was Telling everyone That she was supposed to play the guitar "I'm like the only one who should play like the guitar!" She snapped sitting down at the kitchen table crossing her arms "Hey it won't be that bad it's only until We find Cody a violin" I said trying to calm Janice down "It's not like she will be taking your place forever" I added in.
(Le epic time skip for an odd reason and ye)
Cody's POV
I was trying to avoid miss piggy or else she would tell me to wear a dress but I don't do dresses since I don't like my body image. So I wore a suit But instead of Pants I wore light sweats and a black See threw skirt so thank god it matched my pants so I wouldn't have to wear a real skirt. "DAMNIT WHERE IS IT?!" I yelled to myself as I searched the room for my wrist bands that where also black ruffles and my headband with a little white hat on it but I only had my pants and long sleeved white shirt on. I kept searching my room Until the door opened "Oh what do you want?!" I said getting off the floor and seeing Scooter at the door "10 Minutes till curtain Cody!" Scooter reminded me, I just shrugged and feel forward to find My two wristbands "Okay see you later" I said to scooter getting off the floor. Scooter just nodded and left my room leaving me flustered "Man....if only I was a clean girl" I sighed and Laid on my bed putting on my wrist bands "Knock knock" Someone said walking in "Rowlf?" I asked not getting up "Yep. What are you doing just laying around?" He asked me with sarcasm, of course he knew why I was laying flustered on my bed "1. I can't find my vest and 2. I can't find my Headband" I shrugged getting up off my bed only to see Rowlf right in front of me. It was awkward for me since I was only a couple centimeters taller then him, I felt my face heating up and then looked away and walked over to my closet "Want me to help you find your stuff? I mean I'm already done" He asked "Of course you have your suit on already" I laughed opening my closet doors and taking out a stool so I could see the top shelf "Haha yep because I'm a tidy dog" He teased Looking around "Oh by the way you look good in your outfit I love the pants and skirt" he complemented while I blushed still searching for my vest. A few minutes later We found My things. I put on my vest over my long sleeved shirt and sat down to put on my head band, just as I was about to brush my hair Rowlf put his paw/ hand on my hand and asked me "Would you want me to do your hair?" Rowlf said Just taking off my head band "I'll just do it anyway" he laughed streaming his Fingers threw my hair as he brushed it too "Oh thanks Rowlf" I said shyly. Minutes later he finished and put my hair and put it in a low pony tail and put the headband on, Scooter came in and told us it was curtain time. As we all got our instruments I just stood by a wall looking down at my feet avoiding eye contact. "Oh! Darling we found that violin for you!" I looked up to see miss piggy, Pepe, Rizzo and scooter "Now get playing that violin!" Pepe said handing me the violin "thanks" I quickly said speed walking to were the rest of the musicians were. I sat in my place witch was near Floyd and Rowlf, As Kermit Introduced the show everyone started playing their Q ,while I missed my Q. I was to scared to play... I was frozen looking down while I layer the violin on my lap " the violin" Floyd said looking back at me ".....I can't......" I replied very quietly, quickly I went off and tried to run to the kitchen

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2016 ⏰

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