Welcome to Purgatory

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"Alright, sweetie. We'll come visit you tomorrow. Make sure you shower daily, just in case there's a cute boy here!" Miku's mom joked. Miku scoffed at her mom and sighed deeply.  "Well, we're off." Miku's dad said. Miku bid them farewell. They both smiled as they closed the door; Miku had a feeling their smiles were a cover-up.

Miku looked around the room. It seemed she shared the room with someone, who had, unfortunately, taken the window bed. She slowly made her way to look out the window. The hospital wasn't that tall, so she couldn't see pass some of the buildings near by. She sucked her teeth and mumbled, "That sucks." She turned and made her way back to her bed.

Miku put some of her stuff away into the shelves they had, which was kinda off. It was giving her the impression she would be living there for the rest of her life. She shook the feeling off and changed into her hospital gown. She pulled her long, teal pigtails out of the gown and sighed.

She laid on her bed and looked at the ceiling. She could remember it like yesterday. She had just graduated highschool and began to plan for college.

She woke up one day and couldn't get out of bed. Her right leg was turning a slight shade of blue, and could barely wiggle her toes. She had shouted for her mom, who called the ambulance.

They had told her and her parents that it was vascular disease, meaning her arteries were getting clogged up, and the blood flow to her leg was getting smaller by the day. They said worst case possible she would have to get a prosthetic leg.

Until the discovered the arteries away from her heart were very slowly, but surely clogging up, too. Miku couldn't sleep that night. She had filled her mind with scenarios of her heart exploding from too much blood, which the doctor did not confirm if it could or could not happen.

The doctors decided it was best to place her in the hospital to monitor her, and give her the treatment, if she wanted it.

The door opened. Miku sat up and looked at the doorway and saw a girl around her age standing there. She had long pink hair and sad blue eyes. She was pale, and looked unhappy. "Hello, I'm Miku. I guess I'll be here with you for a while." Miku smiled as she slowly got up and made her way to the girl. She seemed to be holding something in her hand. Miku raised an eyebrow.

"Dinner." The girl wheezed. Miku smiled at her and placed it on her tray. "I'm Luka." The girl wheezed once again, but less. Luka made her way to her bed. Miku watched and turned to face the girl. She watched as the girl had taken out an inhaler. She shook it and sprayed it in her mouth. She waited a while and then sprayed it in her mouth again. She sat in front of Miku on her bed.

Miku saw the bags under her eyes, and no light seemed to be in her eyes, either. "Welcome to hell, or shall I say, purgatory?" She spoke. Miku snickered. "How long have you been here?" Miku asked. Luka looked down. "Almost a month now." Miku raised both eyebrows in surprise.

"Sometimes I can't talk, so please understand." Luka said quietly. Miku nodded her head. Luka motioned to the food she brought in. "Oh! Right." Miku pulled out her book and some markers and handed it to Luka. "Use this whenever you can't talk." She smiled. Luka smiled but it fell. She didn't know why Miku was being so nice. She was going to leave her in two weeks or so. She was going to hook her in and leave.

They all do.

Miku munched on her dinner. Way better than her mom's cooking. She apologized to her mom in her head.

Luka tapped on Miku's arm, making her turn her head. She had written something down.

' How did you end up here?'

Miku swallowed her food and said "Oh... I don't think you've heard of it.." Miku felt embarrassed. Luka scribbled, 'I have heard them all before, do not hesitate.'

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