A Visitor

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After Miku's daily morning shower, she left the bathroom with her hair into a high lazy ponytail. She was extremely tired. She had a nightmare about her childhood stuffed bear, which , despite its appearances, was a rather frightening looking bear.

She wrapped the towel up, cold air on her skin, paranoia filling up her mind, and silence filling her ears. What time was it? 7:30 in the morning. She always was up at this time because of school. She misses it; The feeling she got every morning, waking up for school. Like she had a purpose, thats what it felt like. The abscence of it was saddening.

Being paranoid enough, she felt eyes staring at her. Miku slowly tip toed over to her bed, the cold air on her face. She almost screamed when she saw a pale lady with blonde hair standing at the door way.

Heart racing, she gathered her breath. She turned towards the lady with all of her courage. Oh, she thought, its an actual lady. She sighed with relief, until she remembered she was almost naked. The lady has a shocked look on her face, which quickly turned pink. "Sorry." She mumbled and walked out.

Miku, too, had a pink face. She decided to brush it off and get dressed.

10 minutes later, there was a knock on the door. Miku peeked her head throught the door way and saw the strange lady again. The lady spoke up "I'm here to see Luka." Miku was surprised. "Oh. Yeah, she's here. She might be asleep though." Miku said, as she stepped aside to open the door and let the lady in.

Miku walked over to her towel, walking towards her chair at the other side of her bed to hang it over. Miku became a bit bitter. What Luka said about people stop coming to see them but then her having a guest kinda pissed Miku off.

"Lily. . . !" Miku heard Luka exclaim. "W-why are you-" Lily cut her off , "I have a lot to tell you. It's regarding Meiko." Meiko? That girl that wrote Luka that letter? Miku could hear Luka get tense. Miku decided it would be better off if she left the room for a bit.

Slightly limping down the hallway, Miku looked around for any faces she met the previous day. No Teto, no Oliver, no one. Except there was a girl with puffy blonde hair and blue eyes sitting at the piano, staring at the keys.

"Hello." Miku managed to squeak out. The girl looked at her, as if she were memorizing her features. "Hello..." She responded. She moved over on the piano bench and patted the spot next to her. Miku took the hint and sat down.

"My name is Miku. I came here a few days ago." Miku said, as she played well known pieces on the piano softly. The girl played what Miku could not reach, and the whole world felt like it had froze in time. The moment was perfect. The girl smelt of cotton candy, and Miku was intoxicated. "My name is SeeU" she whispered softly.

"Why are you here, SeeU? Not that I mean to pry or anything." Miku said. SeeU stopped playing, making Miku also stop playing. "It's nothing serious. I just broke my leg." SeeU smiled weakly, patting her left leg, which was hidden inside of a cast. Miku was envious. At least SeeU's legs would heal over time and go back to normal, Miku thought. "It doesn't seem bad, but I'm a theatre dancer, and my legs are very important. I'm missing a really big musical right now." SeeU practically cursed, as if she was damning herself to the underworld this very second.

"You?" SeeU asked curiously. Miku smiled a bit as she stared at SeeU's relaxed expression, which was previously twisted despairingly. "I have vascular disease in my right leg, and a bit of it in my heart." Miku stated nonchalantly. SeeU stopped once more, meeting with Miku's eyes. "I'm sorry to hear that, Meeks." "Meeks?" Miku questioned, smiling lovingly at SeeU. "Yeah, it's a nickname I just made up for you. I hope you don't mind." SeeU responded embarassedly. "No, I like it." Miku stated, making sure SeeU felt validated. The atmosphere felt so right. Before the conversation could continue any further, Ms. Mew came in with a wheelchair. "Miku, Dr. Tengu wants to talk to you." Miku turned around to SeeU, and grasped her hand. "Thank you for talking with me, SeeU. I hope your leg gets better soon so you don't miss your show. I'll see you around, maybe." Miku smiled. SeeU's eyes glimmered, and she nodded. "Thank you." she responded quietly.

As Ms. Mew rolled Miku away, Miku could hear SeeU singing softly in a foreign language, while playing a simple melody on the piano. That SeeU, she really was something special.


Ms. Mew left Miku to be with Dr. Tengu. She really was a busy lady.

Dr. Tengu introduced himself and began talking about surgery options, but he also made sure to mention the risks. Miku knew this talk was going to happen soon. Her mind started to wander off, and din't care to listen to the word vomit being thrown at her from the doctor. Did she really want the surgery? Was she ready for her life to go back to normal? 

'So, Ms. Miku, have you made your mind up about the surgery? We are in no rush to get your surgery done, but just know that your condition will continue to get worse the longer you wait. I'm always in my office except for Thursdays if you make up your mind." Dr. Tengu stated. His stare pierced right through Miku, and Miku panicked. "I-I'm gonna think about it." she stuttered.

"Okay, no pressure or anything. But just know what you'll be leaving behind should you not get this surgery." Dr. Tengu said in a deadpan manner. Geez, what is it with the people in this hospital and being so blunt? Well, better than having things being sugar coating, Miku supposed. Miku nodded and crawled into her wheelchair. She wheeled her way over to the door, and silently closed it behind her.

It was around noon, and Miku figured she could go back to her room. 

She peeked inside, and saw that Lily had left. She wheeled over to her side of the room, but wanted to check up on Luka.

"Heyyy Luka, wanna go get some lun-" Miku cut herself off after making eye contact with a crying Luka. "Are you alright?" Luka shook her head and patted to the spot next to her bed. Miku crawled out of her wheelchair and onto Luka's bed, and plopped herself next to Luka. "Do you wanna talk about it?" Miku asked quietly as they both stared out of the window, watching the rain fall. Is was raining? Miku must not have noticed in the rec room because she was so infatuated with SeeU. Luka shrugged and sniffled. "Maybe another day." Luka said very lowly, and laid back on her bed. Miku decided to follow and stare at the ceiling with Luka. The soft pitter patter of the rain on the window was relaxing, and it seemed to be soothing Luka since she was sniffling less and less.

"Who was that lady?" Miku asked softly, almost rhetorically, not expecting an answer. "Her name is Lily. She's a close friend of mine. She came because she wanted to tell me that my ex finally moved on from me and met someone else." "Oh Luka. . . I'm so sorry." Miku said, turning her head towards Luka.

"Don't be. This is what happens when you refuse surgery. People start to cut you off, telling themselves you might as well be dead and moving on." Luka said, her voice cracking a bit towards the end. Something clicked in Miku. She knew what she was about to say was dumb. SO very dumb. And she knew she would regret saying it.

"You know what Luka? I'm gonna refuse getting surgery; we can live the rest of our days out together. I don't want you to go through this alone. And you can't stop me, either." Miku said quickly, because her heart was beating so fast. Luka shot up and turned to Miku, looking very angry and confused. "Why...? Why are you doing this?" Luka asked, bursting out into tears. "After all I've said to you, you want to stay with me?" Luka choked up and started coughing. Miku sat up and nodded. She put her arm around Luka and leaned on her shoulder. "it's okay, I'm here." Miku whispered softly. 

The rain soon stopped pouring, only to reveal a sunny sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2019 ⏰

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