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FireStar on ThunderClan

I am FireStar. Welcome to ThunderClan--the Clan of courage and loyalty. I was not a forest-born cat, but ThunderClan welcomed me, and once I proved myself as a warrior, they grew to respect me. I have risen to become their leader and I would lay down all nine lives for my Clan, just as my ClanMates would lay down their lives or me and each other. There is no other Clan on the forest so true or so brave. I respect and admire the other Clans, but my heart is here, with ThunderClan--the Clan of heroes, the Clan of compassion, the Clan of destiny.

Clan Characters: In peace, respectful of other Clans. In battle, fierce, courages, and loyal. ThunderClan cats speak out for what is right and are not afraid to challenge the warrior code.

Prey: Mice, voles, squirrels, the occasional rabbit, and birds such as starlings, magpies, wood pigeons, and thrushes.

Hunting Skills: Excellent stalking techniques. They keep upwind of their prey, creeping across the forest floor unseen and unheard.

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