Part 1

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Saitama should have known something was off the moment the clouds abruptly parted overhead. The odd triangular shape of the part even more of an indicator.

But he wasn't really one for heeding or even recognizing warning signs.

Even the silence should have been a clue. He expected sounds of destruction and rage coming from the reported "Monster Anteater". But instead, all that sounded from the area was the quiet chirping of some misplaced birds.

"I wonder if it got tired," Saitama mused absentmindedly as he jumped over a particularly large portion of concrete and kept running. The road was littered with broken and scattered pieces of concrete, a vision that made his stomach churn slightly, painting ideas of injured or dead people across his mind.

By this time he was running so fast he almost missed the crumpled heap of a fallen hero thrown to the side of the road. Without a second thought, he grabbed a lamp post to swing around and use his momentum to skid back to the site.

The cluster of wires sticking out of their chest and the soft pulsing blue made him nervous when he approached. Memories of a time where he would arrive on a scene and without fail he would find a broken and battered Genos bubbled to the surface of his mind and set him on edge.

As he got closer, a sigh of relief escaped his lips. Nothing looked too badly damaged. A missing arm and some scratches across her chest.

He kneeled next to her and his joy drooped a bit when he caught a glimpse of her face.

"Midori, I swear," he half sighed half growled.

At the sound of another's voice, her eyes snapped open, undamaged and a striking shade of green that practically glowed against her black sclera.

She opened her mouth the speak but a scratchy static noise was all the came out. It took a moment of wordless babbling, but when she realized it wasn't working, she started to struggle to sit up.

"Midori, it's okay," Saitama whispered and he gently pushed her back down, long, uniform black locks brushing his hand as he did so. "Don't get up, you might do more damage than good."

She stared at him a moment longer, confusion marring her features before she tried speaking again, slightly less static clinging to it this time. "T-the monster..."

Saitama nodded decidedly and moved to where he was crouching. "I'll get it. Don't worry. If you manage to get any more damaged your parents and Genos will have my head."

"Of course Mr. Sai-I mean One Punch-sama."

Another sigh escaped his lips and he turned away. "I've told you before. Don't call me that, Saitama is just fine."

A look over his shoulder revealed the young cyborg was staring at him in confusion.

"I hated that name 15 years ago when they gave it to me and I still hate it. I almost miss being called Caped Baldy."

From the look of alarm on her face, you could have guessed her house was on fire.

"But sir! I must address any Class S hero with high respect. Especially you! I can not recall how many seemingly infinite times you have saved the world! In only 17 years since your official debut no less! Even now you continue to stun the populace with your feats of strength and heroism. Not an easy feat for a 42-year-old with children."

Saitama shivered. Today was definitely a throwback Thursday.

"You sure spend a lot of time with Genos. Don't you?"

The female cyborg only smiled and weakly nodded an affirmative. The joints in her neck creaking loudly in protest.

"He told you all that stuff didn't he?"

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