[5]+}○{ The Note }○{+

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"I love you"

(Jack's POV)

      I said with out knowing & fell into a warm sleep.





(Mark's POV)

     What does he mean? We only met  an hour ago & we had sex. How did this happened again? I don't remember, let me think,
.....  .....  .....  .....  .....  .....
.....  .....  .....  .....  .....  .....
.....  .....  .....  .....  .....  .....
'$h*t!!! I left Tim at the market by himself!!! ' I  moved Jack off me & got off his bed. I than quality & quickly put my clothes on, 'Uugghhh, f*ck.... I'll leave a note, saying I'm taking a walk & when I come back & if he's still asleep, then I will throw the note away & act like I lve been here the whole time.'

      I left a note on his nightstand, next to him & left the shed. I ran as fast as I could to my stand, Tim is still there. He turned the sing over that says 'Sold Out'. I ran up to him & called his name, he turns around & smiled.

"Big brother! Your back! Did you get him?" Tim asks

"Well, uhh, y-yeah I got him" I said blushing, because of what happened next.

"Where's the joulery?" Tim asked

"I'll pay for it" I said while the blush gets darker

"Are you ok big bro? You look red" Tim asks

"Yeah, umm can you go home without me, I need to do some things" I asked

"Sher, what kinda things?" Tim's curiosity is so overwhelming

"A lot of things"I said in response start lightly pushing him in the direction of where the house is.

"Ok! See you at home!"Tim said & took off, the house is down the street so nothing to worry about.

          I then ran back to Jack's shed in the forest, I I saw it up ahead & start walking the rest of the way there. I opened the door& tip-toed to his room & took my clothes off. Once they were off, I whent into bed. Jack was still asleep in bed & he had snuggled up to me, I let him do that & put my arm around his waste. 'He's so cute, but I want to know more about him, who he is, I want to be with him...... I think I love him. & I need to know why he stolen the joulery

          I feel asleep thinking about Jack,






(Jack's POV)

            I start wakeing up, I'm in something,... warm? I look forward to a sleeping gorgeous man in my bed, after looking at him for awhile, the memory came back to me & I blushed. His strong arms were around me, his warmth felt good. I tried to get out of his arms but he was too strong. I gave up on trying to get the 'Honscoch stone' to Marzia for now & snuggled up to him. I just wached him the whole time, intill he wakes up.

(Tim & Sam, + both Time & Skip, wich made a TIME SKIP)

             He starts to sturr & I kissed his cheek, he is now fully awake & smiles.
"How long have you been awake?" Mark asked

"For awhile, I didn't want to wake you. & can you let go of me" I said, he blushes & nods

            He loosen his grip, & I got out of his arms, I tried to stand next to the bed but fell down in pain. Mark chuckled & got out of bed & helped me up. God he's so strong.

"Thanks Markimoo" I said & kissed his cheek

"No problem, Jackaboy" He said

          He helped me to the bathroom & gave me my clothes


I came out of the bathroom with a sore back & bottom, Mark was sitting on my bed with all his clothes on. I then walk up to him & kissed him, then walked back to my jacket. I don't want this to be a one time thing, I,... I don't know, Mark is just a person I just met & then we had sex. I think I have something for him, but what? I pick up the jacket & was saprized that the joulery was still in it. I quickly put the jacket on & walked to my front door.

" I'll be back in a little bit, it's time for me to go to work" I said, before I opened the door Mark hugged me from behind

"Hay Jack,..... can I talk to you when you get back? It's about,.... last night," Mark said/asked, I nod

"Ok, see you when I get back," I said then I was off, going to the spot Marzia said we would meet








(Sorry it took so D@mn long)

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