Chapter Ten

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Zendaya and Val pull into the parking lot of the first store which happens to be Babies R Us. They are going to reuse some of Sofia's old baby stuff for the new baby. They are looking to get some new boy stuff.

They walk into the store and stop at costumer services to get their registry started.

"How may I help you both today?" The clerk asks.

"Yes, we are here to set up a baby registry under the name of Valentin and Zendaya Chmerkovskiy." Zendaya says.

"Alright, I will get that started for you both. Here are some item scanners. Just scan the barcode of the item and it will register on your registry, but first could you spell you last name again please to make sure that I have it spelled correctly?" The clerk says.

Val spells out their last name for the older woman. With that taken care of they are on their way through the store looking for the necessities for a little boy.

"What should we get first?" Val asks.
"Well let's look at baby clothes first, and then to the bedding and other accessories. We should register some stuff here and some stuff at other baby shops." Zendaya says.

They make their way to the clothes section and scan some cute newborn baby boy onesies. They also scan some clothes for their son to wear when he grows out of being a newborn.

Zendaya squeals in excitement over all the cute boy clothes. Val finds some little boy dance shoes picking them up he carries them over to where Z is to show her.

"Hey, look at what I found over by the shoes." Val says.

Val lifts up the little pair of boys dance shoes to show Zendaya.

"Awe those are so cute! It will be at least a couple years before we will have to start thinking about putting him in dance." Zendaya says.

"I know, maybe I should branch out my clothing line to do some baby/toddler clothes." Val says while he puts the shoes away.

"That would be so cute to do a baby line. Great idea babe." Zendaya says.

"I think it will be a great line to create. I will have to talk to Nicole about it too. She will probably have some ideas on clothing ideas. Maybe you could do some of the artwork for it again." Val says.

"I would love to do that again for you." Zendaya says.

Val and Zendaya continue to shop around the store and scan some more items. They have also gone to another baby store to scan some items.
They did buy some items for the baby like 3D letters to spell out his name that will hang on the nursery wall. It will take a lot of letters to spell out Aleksander. Val and Zendaya head back to the house. Val has to head to rehearsals with Rummer. They have 3 days to practice their samba for the live show on Monday. Zendaya is going to spend the afternoon planning out how she wants to decorate the nursery and how to tell Sofia about the new baby.

Val leaves kissing Zendaya and saying that he will be home around the same time as last night.

Zendaya pulls out her sketch pad and starts drawing out a layout of furniture, what goes where and what to hang on the wall when she gets a phone call from Maks.

She smiles and answers the phone. "Hello"
"Hi Mama!" Sofia says sounding like she is on a sugar high.

Zendaya laughs at the excitement in her daughters voice before saying, "hi honey, are you having fun with Uncle Maks?"

"I is having so much fun. We went to a movie, and the beach." Sofia says.
Zendaya and Sofia continue talking about her day. Maks then gets on the phone and talks a bit and then tells her that he is going to be bringing Sofia home soon.

Next time:
Chapter 11
Telling the family and Sofia
Show night- Disney night.

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