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Authors notes

This is my very first serious fic that I have ever written so please enjoy and this is only the prologue and it obviously is just giving some background for the story. :)

July 2012

"As usual nice and clean no witnesses, make sure that he dies. We can't have any mess ups not this time." As Mary nodded and turned away with the newly acquired file in her hands she left the large office and walked out into the hallway. Her back was straight, her chin up and her purposeful steps gave her an air of authority, but as soon as she had made it out of that horrid office Mary fell against the wall. She didn't know how much more of this she could take, the constant death, the terrible things she did were for the good though. She was simply doing what her duty demanded of her. And while many would think her a murderer in the end she was acting for the good of everyone.

Her breathing was heavy and her eyes stung as Mary stood up again, pushing off the wall she walked down the decorated hall. The corridor she was striding down had the décor that of the Buckingham palace, the rich red carpets and tapestries along the wall could certainly rival the home of the royals.

Mary made quick of her trip not stopping anywhere along the way out of the silent halls of the building. Once she had finally made it out she heaved a deep sigh of relief, breathing in the crisp air of the London evening. She looked quickly around, shrugging on her jacket she briskly walked down the street not stopping until she reached her destination.

When Mary finally made it to her small flat in downtown London she looked into the file of the man she was supposed to kill.


She had him cornered in the room, her breathing steady and her arm stock still. It had been so easy for her to get to him, he was so pathetic. His office was dark and silent them being the only people left in the building. For the gang and drug leader that he is Mary thought he should be putting up more of a fight considering his reputation. But that just meant her job was easier, no struggle meant no noise. A clean kill no witnesses she was just in and out. The man before her was the leader of the biggest drug smuggling operation in London. Mary had to admit he had been good at undercover work. Working as a lawyer gave him plenty of opportunities to be "investigating" and spread out. Plus, while working he was able to work his way into the big cases involving important people, perfect for a drug leader. Finding everyone's weaknesses. Quite clever really, hiding in plain sight.

"Please, please have mercy I am innocent." He was barely whispering, good acting but unfortunately for him Mary could see through it, could see the way his eyes were darting around the room, calculating.

Mary deciding it had been long enough, it was time to dispose of the disgusting man before her. "Oh if only you were." And with that she shot him in the head.

There was dull thud behind Mary as she walked quickly away from the scene. She had completed her task and with some satisfaction she went quickly from the office and left silently.

She drove for another two hours in random directions to lose anyone who may have been following her even though she was certain there was no one. She had done well this time, luckily he was a lawyer so the building was always open, all she had to do was dress smartly and appear to need to talk to him and then she was gone. It had been late in the night so hardly anyone was there; it was an easy kill.

When Mary did make it back to her flat she was quick to go to sleep, keen to inform her boss tomorrow that all had gone well and she hadn't been seen.

But what Mary had failed to notice was the brother of her target walking around the corner as Mary strode away from the scene. It was stroke of luck that he had been there trying to convince his brother to leave work and go home and it was only a very smart person who would think Mary killed him considering she had been walking out of a completely different room to her victim's office. But nevertheless she had been seen.


End Notes

This is just some background which is needed for the story. I actually wrote the plot and the entire story last year but I was too shy to post it and then with series 4 looming I completely forgot about it. I then put off posting again because of the creepily similar plot lines but I have decided to just go for it and post the entire thing. Please comment and tell me what you think because I would love to know how I could improve! Don't hesitate to message me either if you have any questions;) I will also try and post the first chapter as soon as possible as I am currently editing and reading through the rest of the story just to make sure everything fits!

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