Chapter 5

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Jiyeon jumped up from her day dream when she felt the vibration of her phone on her thigh. It was a message from Shannon.

Shannon: Are you paying any attention girl?

Jiyeon let out a huge sigh and shift her focus on the discussion during the meeting. She's actually getting sick and tired of waiting. Tired of worrying over and over again. Tired of waiting. Tired of being sad. Hell, even her favorite blueberry smoothie couldn't cheer her up. He's becoming more and more distant from her and she didn't know what to do. She left hell loads of text messages for him and missed calls but he just doesn't seem to retun any of those back to her.

The last time he returned the calls or even text messages was 3 weeks ago. After that, none. It was as if he was avoiding her. But why? Why will he do that? What did she do?

After the meeting, she went in her office and pulled out her phone. Contemplating whether she should call him or not, she followed her brain and just gave him a call.

Waiting for the person on the other line to pick it up, she waited patiently and eagerly. In the beginning, it takes him about 2 beeps to answer it. As time pass by, the number of beeps kept increasing. After the 12th beep, Jiyeon's heart skipped a beat when she heard his beautiful, husky voice.

"Hello?" Myungsoo answered, with a tinge of tiredness in his voice.

"H-hey Myung," Jiyeon stuttered as she bit her lip.

"Everything alright there love?" he asked. "Yeah, I just... I'm worried about you. You've been ignoring my calls and the texts that I've sent. I just missed you." She replied as tears started to form on her eyes.

He paused for a brief moment and took in a deep breath as he answered her calmly, "I'm alright here, just extremely busy with everything and so many piles of work that I have to complete. I didn't have time to pay attention to the international calls that I've got."

"But still, couldn't you reply to my texts at least?" Jiyeon asked, not convinced. "Told you I'm extremely busy with my work and I have no time for anything else other than my work." He answered, a bit annoyed.

"Well, you were the one who promised to call everyday. Why is it that I'm the one who's always making the effort to call first, if not text? Tell me Kim Myungsoo, why?"

"I'm sorry if you felt that way but I have to go now." He said as the line on the other end got cut off and only the long beep sound could be heard.

Frustrated, she threw her phone on the table and burried her face in her hands. "Can I come in? Oops, too late. Already in," Shannon giggled as she stepped in the room to be greeted with Jiyeon's loud groan. "Go away, I want to be alone." With a smirk, Shannon replied, "Even when I brought you your favourite blueberry smoothie?" Her eyes sparkled at the drink in front of her but when she thought of Myungsoo again, her eyes became dull and lost.

Feeling bad, Shannon went to pat her back as she tried to comfort Jiyeon, making a mental note to herself to scold her brother when she called him. "Hey, I don't like you being like this. Come on Yeon, where did the cheerful girl go to? 1 years will pass by quickly, I'm sure of it" She said. "I'm gonna leave this here okay? See ya later girlie,"

After hearing the door close, she took a sip on the blueberry smoothie and decided something. She took her phone and typed in some words, hoping that she wouldn't regret her decision.

Jiyeon: Hey Myungsoo, I'm sorry if I was being ridiculous just now or I asked too much. I just want you to know how much I've missed you and I'm just sorry if I'm a burden to you now.

So that's why, I will stop. I won't be the one to contact you first. From now on, you will be the one to call me first for now till you end your one year business leave. I hate to put you in this kind of situation but I have no choice. It's the only way. You know you mean so much to me right? I Love You, so much.



"Then? What happened next?" Jiyeon asked while chewing on her bread. Her hazel brown eyes staring at her sister-in-law while listening very attentively to her as she was busy explaining what she encountered on her way to work that morning.

"What do you think? I purposely coughed loudly for them to stop." Jiyeon chuckled at her actions. "What? It's like live porn I tell you, only with their clothes on. Oh my god, they didn't even stop when the old ladies were scowling at them to get down the bus! Jeez, it's as if the guy's grandfather owned that god damn bus." Shannon exclaimed, annoyed clearly shown on her face. "Anyways, I have to get back to work. Don't want daddy to chop my head off since I already have 2 strikes on my list." Shannon giggled as she waved at Jiyeon and exited her office.

'Only one more month, and it will be over' she thought.

Jiyeon reached for her phone in her purse, reading the last text message she had sent to Myungsoo. She wondered why he didn't reply to her message. Is it because he was too busy to even notice the text? Or he lost his phone? Whatever it is, she's only left a month and she'll be able to see him again. With that thought in mind, she giggled like a little teenage girl in her mind.

"Mrs Kim? There's a folder for you." Irene, her secretary knocked before stepping in front of her with the said file in her hands.

"Who is it from? Jiyeon asked. "Well, I'm not really sure about that." She said as she gave Jiyeon a nervous smile. Jiyeon raised her brows and dismissed her as she took a look at the folder.

Suddenly, she felt a strange vibe at the folder in front of her, as if telling her not to open it. Looking at the stamp, it was from london. Trying to think positively, she took out the paper and her eyes widened to its maximum immediately upon reading it.


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