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Well hello there Alex. Said Sophie
OMG what are you doing here.
I missed you Alex. Said Sophie
*Alex shouts out for kat*
Kat won't hear you Alex. Said sophie
What did you do to kat.
You want to see what I did to your preshious sister. Said Sophie
Tell me you didn't hurt her.
Why would I hurt her for. Said Sophie
Where is kat.
Come with me. Said Sophie
*Sophie grabbed alexs hand and takes him to kat*
OMG kat what has she done to you.
*Alex starts to cry*
Alex don't cry. I'm going to be okay. Said kat
Hahaha. No your not. Said Sophie
You won't get away with this. Said Kat
Watch me. Hahaha. Said sophie
*Sophie walks out of the room*

What has she done to you kat.
Alex I'm fine. I just need to get out of here. Said kat
But how. Your strapped to the chair.
Go get that knife over there and cut the rope. Said kat
I-i don't want to hurt you.
You won't. You only need to cut the rope. Said kat
O-O okay.
*Alex walks over and picks up the knife*
A-are you sure about this kat. I'm scared.
Yeah I'm sure. Just cut the rope and then give me the knife after. Said kat
W-what if she comes back.
She won't come back. She said something about getting someone else. It should give us time to plan something. Said kat
*Alex cuts the rope*
See Alex you cut the rope but if this happens again make sure you haven't got your eyes closed. Said kat
Oh sorry kat. I was just scared.
Its fine. Now hand me the knife. Said kat
No Alex don't hand her the knife hand me the knife. Said Sophie
Alex who do you trust more. Said kat
Then give me the knife. Said kat
*Alex walks over to kat*
Alex no. Don't give her that knife. Said sophie
*Alex passes the knife to kat*
Alex no. Said Sophie
Good job Alex. Said kat
Kat what are you going to do with the knife.
*Sophie grabs Alex*
Kat help me. Please.
Put him down. Said kat
Put the knife down and I will put him down. Said Sophie
*kat puts the knife on the floor*
Now put Alex down. Said kat
Yeah sure. Said Sophie
*sophie chucks Alex on the floor*
Don't chuck him. Said kat
What are you going to do. You have no knife now. Said Sophie
*kat pulls a knife out of her back pocket*
Where did you get that from. Said Sophie
I took two knifes. Said kat
Put the knife down now. Said Sophie

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