Maris birthday suprise part 2

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When. School finished  Mari walked home and flipped onto her bed think about  how Adrien must be so worried about her   And how she did not tell him. About her night mare  then suddenly
  It was chat
M: what are you doing here
  He transformed back to Adrien
A: I need to see you I'm so worried about you
M: I'm fine
A: can you please tell me about your nightmare
M: o--- ( she got cut off  by screaming and yelling )
M: We have to go
They tranformed
L : I will tell you about it later but we have to go the now
C: ok my lady  come on
The ran out of Mari. Trap doors  and spotted the  akumatized  person  she shouted  remember me. Ladybug . Ladybug bugs eyes widened. Fully
C: what's wrong
L: she's from my nightmare
C: what !!
L: I knew it's wasn't just a dream
C: it ok  we'll be fine
J: hey guys what happening
V: yeh what's wrong
L: oh hey 
V: you ok ?
L: it doesn't matter we need to beat her come on
The all go running to the villain    Trying to attack her. When  all of them got knocked back. From a force field  all of them except ...
L: what ? How ? What do you want from me
Akuma: you won't Remember me  you have forgotten haven't  you ?
L: I don't understand 
Akuma:  long time no see  sister
C: sister ?
The villain de transformed  to her normal form
I'm Bridget
V: omg Bridget
J: you know her
C: yeh
They all de transform
B: oh come on sis  I don't bite who are your friends
A: ok what is going on?
M: she's my twin sister  she not akumatized she just evil
B:  Adrien aggrest wow  you taller than you look. In a magazine  ( rubbing his head )  so how do you know my sister ?
A: well that s none of you bissness
M: just leave him alone
B: oh u get it  he's your boyfriend  well you did always have a crush on him  well welcome to the family Adrien
Mari  runs up to him
B: Alright sis keep your cool (she walked to Alya )
Alya!! How you doing
A: fine   But I can see that you haven't changed a bit
B: I could say the same about you  still got that little bit of fire in you.  Oh and who. Is this
M: his name is Nino   So what do you want ?
B : Nino huh  interesting name say Nino do you have a girlfriend ?
N: yeh I do 
B: Oh but I bet she  doesn't have nothing on me
Alya : I'm his girlfriend thank you very much
B: oh sweet heart don't get jealous.
A: oh trust me I'm not jealous of you
M: so what do you want ?
B : I wanted to spend time with you sis  been having nightmare huh 
M: you you've Been giving me those nightmare s
B: yup the one and only  you should of seen your face when you saw  me
M: So what the real reason. You came here for
B: oh dear sister I came back for you birthday
A: why ?
B: oh she knows why  it's her 16th birthday  but I've said too much  I'll be back for your birthday sis I can't miss it
She ran off
Alya : Mari I  think we should tell Nino and adrien what happened
M: your right. Come on guys lets go to my house
They got there
M: Ok so  it all started with Bridget's. 13 birthday   But the curse put on your family was that one twin turns  to good or evil on their 13th Birthday and the other one one their 16th  
And the moon does this ceremony.  On thier birthday  to chose wether or not they are truly good or has a bit of evil and stay like that forever
  It was Bridget's 13th and we were both worried because any one of us could be chosen to good or evil tonight    We had this big  white ceremony for the  moon to show we were good but then a dark cloud   Crowed over the top of us  and a huge hurricane of  black smoke  picked up the both of us but put me down so I knew that it was Bridget who was chosen
She stayed in the hurricane for about twenty minutes and the cloud of smoke faded and out came Bridget  but her eyes change to a golden brown  yellow colour and  I could tell  that it was her but I knew something    Was different and  a flash of lighting flashed towards me and she was gone  and I have  nightmare of my turning dark to at my 16th birthday  the same as her
A: that's not going to happen babe
M: how do you know  that's not going to happen
A: because your the kindest most generous. Person I know
N:he's right Mari.  There is no way you will turn out like her
Alya :come on girl  there right we will throw you the prettiest ceremony ever ok. Don't worry but. I have to go home
N: I got to  go home tomorrow
M: ok bye guys see you tomorrow
  Her face frowned more and more    As she thought about her birthday
A: hey hey lol at me
M: Adrien not now
He lifted her chin up  till her eyes where a line with his 
A: nothing going to happen ok  but I have to go do you think you will be ok
M: yeh I'll be fine
A: ok I'll call you later
He kissed her  on the cheek and ran. Out
  Mari took  a shower and went straight bed
But she could get to sleep 
m: hey
A: hey you ok
M: well actually ..
A: what what's wrong
M: Nothing it's just that I can't  sleep 
A: I'm coming over be there in two mins
He  came through Maris  window and   Lay beside her   A few minutes later she fell asleep   On him  
She was in a deep sleep.
And an hour later  she had the same night mare again 
A: Mari your ok your ok it's me
M: oh Adrien I'm so scared

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