Chapter One

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     "You first, Meg!" Sara laughed as she lit the fifth and final candle. "Ask it a question!"
    "Why me?" Meg asked, not wanting to be the first to disturb anything.
    "Fine, you all are such babies, move." Carrie said as she grabbed the the planchette, setting it on the Ouija board that was on Megs kitchen table.
   "Thy soul shall find itself alone, 
mid dark thoughts of the grey tomb-stone. Not one, of all the crowd to pry, into thine hour of secrecy. Spirit show us guidance." Carrie said, as six of her fingers lay on the planchette. She looked at the other girls.
   "I don't want to do this anymore!" Meg whimpered, looking at the darkness leading down the hallway of her house.
   "Oh shut up, Meg." Sara rolled her eyes, as she read on her phone. "It says here each of us have to lay two fingers of our right hand on the planchette."
   The three girls put two fingers on the planchette, and circled it three times. "Ask it a question."
    "Hello, I'm Sara. What's your name?" Sara asked.
    The planchette moved slowly. "Oh my god, no." Meg whispered.
  It stopped on no. Carrie's turn.
"Are you a ghost?" The girls read the letters aloud as it moved.
   "D -  E  -  M  -  O  -  N."  Meg sucked in a harsh breath. The room was silent for a good 30 seconds. Meg watched as the candle flames stood dead still, then danced furiously, over and over. "Your turn."
   "Are you a boy?" Meg whispered. The planchette moved. 
    ' M  -  A  -  N. '   Carrie smirked. She always liked older men. Meg shuddered.
   "What do you think of us?" Carrie said, as if talking to a crush.
     ' M -  E  -  G '.  The two girls looked at her, a bit dumbfounded. "What about her..." Sara asked, still watching her.
    ' M  -  I  -  N  -   E '.   Meg stood up, and snatched the Ouija board off of the table, causing the planchette to fall to the ground, smashing into pieces. She closed the board.
   "Meg! What the hell! We were supposed to say goodbye!" Sara yelled, swinging her arms into the air.
   "Sara, its just a stupid game!" Meg bit back, "You guys were obviously just messing with me!"
   "Meg, please don't tell me you really think that." Carrie said seriously, knowing the consequences of not saying goodbye.
   "Shut up and just get out!" Meg cried.
   "Meg.. It-"
   "OUT!" Meg screamed, and the two girls hurried out into the cold, fall night. She locked the door, and looked at the planchette on the ground.
   "Demon," she chuckled to herself. "Okay demon, come after me then! Oh I'm so scared." She said as she walked down the still dark hallway to her room. Too bad she couldn't hear his chuckle from the kitchen.
   "Don't worry, Meg. I'm already here." He smiled into the darkness.
   Why hello there, my little demons!! This chapter sucked so hard, I know. But it'll get better, pinkie promise!
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2016 ⏰

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