Red Dress - Frellie

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"Ellie, come on, love. We're going to keep everyone waiting! You know we'll never hear the end of it."

Fred called from the other side of the bedroom door as he waited for his wife to finish getting ready. It was their three year anniversary and of course, the family wanted to celebrate and spend some time with the two at dinner. However, it seemed they were going to have to skip dinner and go straight for dessert at the rate Eleanor was taking to get ready. 

Normally, the woman was simple when it came to getting dressed. She would slip on a knitted jumper or something, but because it was a special occasion, where everyone was dressing up, it was taking the woman plenty of time. 

"Your mother...I swear..." Fred looked down to the toddler in his arms. His daughter, Hope, beamed up at him with a wide grin before clapping her hand on his face in agreement.

"Thank you. You see, Ellie, even Hope agrees that whatever you wear is going to look fine. Just hurry up!" He whined.

"I'll be out in a minute. " Eleanor called out with a small laugh. 

"You said that five minutes ago. By the time you come out of there, Hope will be celebrating her fifth birthday!"

"Now you're just exaggerating!" 

"I wish."

"Quit being dramatic, Lord Fred." The bedroom door finally opened and Fred went to sigh in relief, but upon seeing his wife standing in the doorway, he suddenly forgot how to breathe. 

Eleanor stepped out of the bedroom, pulling at the hem of the dress that just fell above her knee before looking up at him with a smile. Her brown hair was wrapped up, however, a few stubborn strands managed to fall in her face. She adjusted her heel before standing straight.

"Oh so now the complaining comes to an end." She smirked at him. Hope reached out her arms to her mother, making a cooing sound to grab her mother's attention. Eleanor walked over to pick up her daughter from Fred's arms, who had still yet to say anything since she walked out. 

"My, this is a new record, a speechless Fred." She said as Hope held onto her, resting her head on her mother's shoulder.

"You look beautiful, love." Fred said finally with a smile before walking over.

"You don't think it's too much, do you?" Eleanor asked peering down.

"Oh no...not at all. Actually," a cheeky grin appeared on his face. "It is. You should take it off. You should take it all off."

"Fred!" She laughed before walking off to get Hope's coat. "You complain about me taking forever and now you want me to change-"

"No, not change." Fred said.

She glanced over her shoulder at him before shaking her head. 

"We have a dinner to attend."

"The dinner can wait."

"No, Fred."

Sitting in the restaurant with his family and friends, Fred sat beside Eleanor as everyone was going around exchanging stories of the couple. George reminded everyone of Eleanor's first prank that she did on her own, with of course the assistance of the twins. It brought her cheeks to become as red as her dress, which made Fred chuckle.

Marnie sat across from Eleanor with a playful glare as she rubbed her chest remembering the incident quite vividly.  Eleanor proceeded to cover her face with her hands to avoid her best friend's look, when she felt Fred's hand rest on her leg. He purposely rested his hand against the bare skin of her leg, his fingers tracing all over causing goosebumps to erupt on her skin. 

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