Amortentia- Teddy Lupin

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Left in the care of his older sister for the day, Teddy Lupin arrived to the shop of Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes one morning to find his niece Hope Weasley running around with her Uncle George chasing after her. She came to a halt upon spotting her other uncle and grinned before sticking her foot out and tripping George. The man fell to the ground bringing the two children to laugh before the girl skipped over to him.

"Hey Teddy, where's Grandpa Rem Rem and Nana Tonksy?" She asked him looking around.

"They're still outside, Dad spilled hot chocolate down his front." The boy chuckled.

"Oooh, bet he's not too happy about that." The ten year old said before she was suddenly hoisted up by George.

She let out a cry when Eleanor arrived to greet her brother.

"George, put her down. Hope give him back whatever you took." Eleanor said before smiling at Teddy. "Welcome back to another crazed day at the shop."

"Those are the best kind of days." Teddy told her with a smile.

"Are Dad and Tonks still outside?"


"Alright, I'll be back. Make yourself comfortable."

Teddy nodded as Eleanor left outside. He could hear Hope racing up the stairs to the flat above the shop with George in pursuit yelling her name. He smiled to himself before looking around when he heard the sound of something exploding and then a series of loud cursing.

Curious, the boy walked into the backroom and found Hope's father, wiping at his brow with a frustrated look.

"What are you doing?" He called out to Fred.

"Hey Teds." Fred greeted him. "I'm currently working on another batch of Amortentia Fireworks...they're always big around the holidays."

"I've always been pretty curious as to what you can smell with it."

"Well, the potion is almost done." Fred told him. 'When it's done, take a whiff. But not too big of whiff or you're going to be like George. Inhaled too much and was light headed for the rest of the day."

"It's a love potion, right?"


" smell..."

"You smell what you like, Teddy, you smell what you find most attractive."

"Oh. So what do you smell?" He asked.

"Bamboo and yarn, it's been like that for eleven years." Fred smiled. "Doesn't get old."

Teddy waited patiently watching as Fred finished up the potion and then welcomed him over to smell it. 

"What happens if I don't smell anything?" Teddy suddenly asked in a worried tone.

"Well, you have to find something attractive, like food or something. You don't have to smell something that reminds you of a person, just something you like." Fred said.

The door to the backroom opened with a burst and Hope came running in, partially out of breath. 

'I'm not here by the way." She told the two.

" Who are you running from, George or your mother?" Fred asked her.

"Does it matter?" Hope looked at him.

"No, I'm just curious."

"Both." She admitted before walking over. "What are you guys doing?"

Teddy was slightly hesitant about what he was going to smell as he took a step back from the cauldron. He wasn't sure what he was so worried about, except the fear of not smelling anything, but his niece seemed to have no problem, waltzing over for a sniff.

"Hey!" Hope suddenly laughed. "It smells like that fancy conditioner Henry uses, doesn't it, Daddy? And badger cocoa ...and...sea water? What an odd combination. Smells good actually."

She looked up at her father who only gave her a small smile while patting her head. 

Finally, as curiosity got the best of him, Teddy wandered over to the cauldron and took a sniff.

He became confused instantly before looking up at his brother-in-law and niece.

"What's wrong, Teddy?" Hope asked.

"I think something is wrong with it." Teddy said. "I...I only smell smoke."

"Smoke?"Fred and Hope repeated in confusion.

Fred smelled it again, but it smelled just fine to him. 

"I don't know...maybe you find smoke attractive?" The man shrugged.

Suddenly, Hope started giggling.

"What's so funny?" Teddy looked to the girl.


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