Lets Be Typical

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It's come to a point where my days are very predictable. I'm bored and tired of the same old thing. I wake up. Shower and cook breakfast, which my husband never eats. He just eats a fork full of whatever is on the plate, grabs his coffee and rushes out the door off to work. I eat alone as usual.. because we have no kids and then I clean up breakfast and go to work. I am a personal banker. I work from 10:00 o' clock am until 6:00 o' clock pm then I go home where I cook dinner. I eat that alone and put my husband's dinner in the oven. I take a bath, read a book and go to bed. And I wake up to my husband only to repeat the same routine the next day. And you can probably guess where my sex life is. Exactly it's absen, as in failure to appear, not hear, GONE!! Uggggh the shit is so frustrating. I'M TIRED OF USING PLASTIC DICKS TO SATISFY MYSELF!................................. Sorry about that. As you can see I'm a little frustrated with my life. I barely see my husband and all I do is work. And all he does is work and it literally is pissing me off. And it's not like I haven't tried to talk to him about it. And make arrangements to spend time together but I can't get through to him. And yea I love him but I'm just not happy anymore............................... Why the fuck am I talking to you like your my therapist?........................... Oh yeah I'm telling a story.

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