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My head resting on Taehyung's stomach as we both laid dead in the middle of the living room. He was absolutely doing nothing while I read a book.

"Yeul" Taehyung lazily called
"Hm?" I hummed in responses
"Let's do something, you're always reading that book"
"Going back to work tomorrow, wouldn't have time to read anymore" I teased

With that he snatched the book right out of my hand. Maybe even leaving little tiny paper cut on my fingers. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and stood up fast, he laughed childishly holding the book high up in the air. Just because I was short, my hand gripped onto his arm and the other trying to reach for the book.

"Ugh Tae! Just because i'm short this isn't fair!"
"Too bad" he stuck his tongue out, running around the couch

An idea suddenly popped up in my head, quickly I pulled his arm down to his back. Kicking the back of his knee as he lost balance and kneel down. I laughed and twist his wrist making him drop my book in pain. I huffed and picked up the book, while he laid there sadly.

"You always use that move" he frown
"Good, remember you're one level behind. You can learn these moves from me."
"Not fair" he whined
"Totally, absolutely fair"
"Yeul-ah!" Omma called, taking mines and Tae's attention away
"Nae, omma?!"
"When did your mom come home?" He sat up, looking at me
"Don't know, never heard the door open"
"Oh, Taehyung you're here." Omma greeted
"Nae" he bowed down to a 90 degree angle

Omma smiles and turns her gaze over to me.

"Appa is holding a party tonight-"
"For what?" I furrowed my eyebrows
"It's the anniversary of our company. I'll tell maid Song to bring you your dress when the time comes"
"Arasso, is the message sent to others yet?" I questioned
"It's sent to everyone already, don't worry about it"
"I'll be going back, make sure Jimin knows about this party, He didn't pick up my calls."

With that omma stepped out, or should I say step mother. Omma died when I was born and appa got remarried only bringing my step brother Jimin in. To say they spoil me like I was Jimin's actual dongsaeng and omma's daughter. Taehyung is my best friend since elementary school, he is also in a wealthy family. That owns the most popular jewelry shop in busan. And to say I actually have a huge crush on him.

"Taehyung, you're coming you better show up" I commanded
"Arasso, I can do whatever I want. I'm older than you" he rolled his eyes
"Like 2 years, but i'm better on everything" I stuck my tongue at him, making my way to my room

I sat in bed, looking over the work I had to do for our meeting in the company. Just than a knock on the door approaches.

"Nae?" I answered

The door creaked opened, and my eyes were now on my maid "Song."

"Mrs. Min told me to bring you this dress" she smiled, laying the dress neatly on the side of my bed
"So that's the dress? thank you!" I smiled, setting the paper work down and crawl over to the dress
"I'll be leaving then" she bowed and before she could leave I stopped her
"Wait a moment"
"Did omma tell you what time the party starts?"
"Nae, the party was going to start in 2 hours from now."
"Oh jinjja? Did Jimin oppa return yet?"
"Ani, he has not yet"
"Ahh... Gurae. Well then i'll get dress" I shot her a quick smile, crawling over to my pillow to get my phone

Scrolling through my long list of contacts when I finally reached oppa's number.

"Yobseyo?" Jimin answered
"Oppa, where are you? there's a party today for the 29th anniversary of our company"
"Jinjja? Aish, omma didn't tell me."
"Omma said she called but you didn't pick up"
"Must of been when I was working on paperworks in my office and I turned my phone off"
"Ahh... Well i'm going to get ready so i'll see you there in 2 hours" I happily said
"Ahh gurae" he laughed

I wore a black halter top gown that was flowy at the bottom and it was backless. Silver linings were decorated at my under boob, trailing to bring the silver diamonds to the back also. Topping it off I had silver heels that was covered from the long dress. My hair was in a side messy bun as tiny little piece of hair falls out on the sides, to make the outfit even better I had the pair of silver diamond earrings Taehyung gave me for my birthday on. Light makeup was all I needed, couple coats of mascara, eyebrows lightly done and lip tint. I checked the time and to only see that I have 20 minutes to get there, quickly I snatched my handbag from my closet and headed out. Once I stepped outside the driver was already there waiting patiently by the black car in a tuxedo. Without a word he opened the door for me and I stepped in happily.

The door opened and Taehyung stood by the entrance smiling at me. He was absolutely handsome in that tuxedo, his hair was slightly parted on the side adding a little volume to his brown hair.

"You look beautiful" he complimented
"Ha... You look handsome yourself" I giggled as we both walked in

It was like a huge mansion, with huge chandeliers hanging on the ceiling's. Tiny circle tables lined up in rows as cups, napkins, and plates laid neatly on them. Laughters was everywhere and soft music played in the background. The crowd was huge but I did manage to find my parents.

"Omma, did oppa come yet?"
"Yeah, he's over there" she pointed to the one and only Jimin standing in a small circle talking to others
"Where's appa?"
"He's talking to someone in private"
"Oh jinjja? When will we have the speech?" I asked, setting my wallet on the table
"In about 10 minutes"
"Ahh, gurae"

The room was filled with silence, and all eyes were on oppa talking. As soon as he finished appa was on stage, on the sides of my eyes I see people whispering to each other. Than some tall, handsome guy stood up from his seat and headed out. I frown and ignored it.

"Today I want to thank everyone for sho-"


A bullet was sent straight through appa's heart. Everyone's eyes widen and there was screaming, gasping, and running. I dropped everything and ran over to appa, who laid unconsciously on the stage.

"Appa! Appa! Wake up! Jebal! Come back to your sense!" I yelled, shaking his lifeless body back and forth

Tears strolled down my eyes, as my hands were covered in blood. Omma cried in Jimin oppa's arm. Taehyung's face was spread with concern as his eyes were drawn to a figure by the entrance door. Taehyung ran from the stage to the door, My blood was boiling. I got on both my feet and ran towards the door.

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