13-He said Yes! Yet he Left!

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Jooheon P.O.V

"Hey are you okay??" I said while trying to clean her dress with tissues. I can't hold my anger towards Sojung.

"Yh I'm ok! I just can't stay, I'm leaving..." She said and then she pushed my hands gently and got up, with tears in her eyes. She was about to leave but I stopped her.

"Wait, I will take you home!" I told her to wait and she just nodded. Then I went to get my car key and when I came back I took her hand and we left to my car, I mentioned to the others to explain what happened to my parents.

"It's okay you can cry, don't hold it" I said softly to her and she started crying. We reached her apartment. Then we got out, and she gave me a sad smile.

"Thank you, I'm going in" she thanked me

"Wait let me come in too!" I said and locked the car and went to her side

"B..but the....others are waiting for you" she said a bit shocked as I told her I will stay.

"Nah that's fine, you need someone now, don't you?" I smiled at her, while she showed me her sad smile. It really hurt me seeing her like that.

We went in, then she told me if I need to drink anything and I told her I'm fine.

"Well then, you can explore the apartment while I change, even tho it's small apartment hehehe!" She laughed and I can see the sad tone in her laugh. I just laughed along with her. Then she left me.

I was looking around indeed it's a small apartment with no many things in, but it was so cosy and nice. She didn't take long until she came back.

"Jooheon, can I ask you something?" She said in serious tone

"Yes, ask!" I replied

"Do you have feelings for me??" She asked me. Wow that was so straight forward and I was so shocked i never expected her to ask me this. I don't know what to say, I mean I wasn't sure myself.

"ah, well that was a bit surprising question!" I said

"So do you??"


Wait did I just told her yes?, do I really like her?? No it can't be? It's true I felt special when she is around but I didn't except myself to like her. I mean I did never felt this way after what happened three years ago. Suddenly I felt not easy and got up, no I can't like her. I must not!!

"I'm sorry I need to leave" I said coldly to her and left her. I'm really sorry Tzuyu, but I can't, I don't want to hurt you like what I did before.

Tzuyu P.O.V

I went to my room to change my dress, then suddenly I started to think about what Jooheon has been doing and acting towards me lately. Does he like me or has feelings for me! After I finished I went back and found him sitting on the sofa.

"Jooheon can I ask you something?" I said a bit serious to him which made him look unsure

"Yes, ask!" He said

"Do you have feelings for me?" I asked him, I didn't realise what I asked him but since he really confuses me, I needed to know!! I can see he was quite shocked of what I've just said.

"ah, well that was a bit surprising question!" He said

"So do you??" I said again without thinking, aish what's with me!!

"Yes!" He replied while looking into my eyes

Wait did I hear him right!!? I felt my heart beating really fast to the point it might explode!!

"I'm sorry I need to leave" He said coldly to me and left. Yes he left me here after what he said. I'm really confused now. I was still in my place, shocked and unsure why he left after what he said, then I saw my phone was ringing....I answered it

"Hey Tzuyu, where's Jooheon?? What are two doing alone in the apartment??" Sana spoke while teasing me

"Sorry Sana I'm not in the mood, I will hung up bye!" I said and hung up on her before she would say anything.

Sana P.O.V

"What's with her??" Hyungwon asked me

"I don't know, I think something happened between her and Jooheon!" I said not sure of what's was with her. Then Changkyun jumped and shout which made us look at him

"Wait!! what!! SOMETHING happened between them?? What!!?" Changkyun was shouting like a kid and everyone shushed him

"Yah! Idiot it's not what you think! She meant they had argument or something like that!" Minhyuk said while he hit Changkyun's head (A/N: aaaaw Ma poor baby)

"Ohhhhh!!" Changkyun made oh sound while rubbing his head.

Then I noticed Sojung looking at us wait was she still there and after what she did!!. Then she got up and came to us.

"Guys do you know when Jooheon oppa will come?" She asked and no one replied to her, but Kihyun looked at her and said

"I think he's in his way!"

Why did he talk to her. Everyone was looking at him and giving him looks and he just shrug it off.

Then we heard the door, and yes it was Jooheon. As soon as Sojung saw him she runs to him and she told him

"Thank you oppa for inviting me I had fun and your mom was so nice!!" She said and everyone looked at her in disbelief look. But then Jooheon stormed off

"Yah!! What do you mean invite!!?? You came by yourself without invite and telling my mom you're my friend! Do I even know you and then lastly treating Tzuyu badly! What are you!" Jooheon shouted at her which made her cry. And we all were shocked.

Then his mom came and apologised for what her son said to Sojung, I wish you just know what Sojung has done to Tzuyu before and I'm sure you wouldn't even look at her!! I excused myself and left.

I went to our apartment and knocked on the door but there was no reply so I took my keys out and opened the door, and there she is, sitting alone on the sofa. I walked up to her and asked her if there's something wrong, she just looked at me and tears in her eyes. So I hugged her and told her everything will be okay.
Hey again ma lovely readers(*^ω^*)

*New update!!...now Tzuyu knew about Jooheon's feelings, what she will do. And will Jooheon really leave her because of what happened before!! Stay tuned!!byeee~^^

I really hope you enjoy reading my story. Your comments and votes makes me happy ^_^
~Thank you<3

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