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 Gar's  Pov

         I as was leaving the tribe to due to the Jury that is hunting me down. So for the past week I have been training for 7 hours a day and 4 hours with my sword. It was the 8th moon rise sine I left the tribe when something hit me like a rock. I could feel it in my heart it was loneliness no one there for me and if I would have found some one I would only bring disaster.A hungry rumble left my stomach feeling hungry I slowly walked in the direction on the forest after smelling rabbit.

           when I came back from the lively forest after hunting I found my den in a state of demolished ruble their was a of words drawn into the ground saying 'Come find us you know where are and you better come' with a sword driven into the ground so I sprinted to the only place they could be. When I got their it as utter chaos I slowly saw it coming back to me the CHAOS the screams and the blood of brutes and she-wolfs.(um the female wolf name is a bad word so I'm not typing that down)  with tears starting to for I bolted to the closest attacker and slayed him until their was one left his a smirk shown prominently on his face.





Janus The Silver Scythe

a/n I know in the beginng he had a different name but this is the real nime LOLz

; )

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