Derek Hale

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I jog after Scott and Stiles as we walk through the woods with Thor in my arms

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I jog after Scott and Stiles as we walk through the woods with Thor in my arms. " don't know what it was ! It was like... I had all the time in the world to catch the ball ! And that's not the only weird thing. I hear staffs I shouldn't be able to hear, I smell things" Scott says and Stiles gives him a weird look.

"Like the mint gum in your pocket. And the bag of strawberries in Bailey's bag" Scot says and I sniff the air smelling the mint gum in Stiles packet along with a breath mint. "you also have a breath mint in your pocket as well" I chirp. "I don't have any mint gum in my-" he trails off as he pulls out a piece of mint gum and a breath mint from his pocket. "So, all of that started with the bite" he says and Scott sighs stressing out. I jump over the small stream happily humming as the two try to figure everything out.

What if it's like an infection ? Like... my body is full of adrenaline before a shock or something" Scott says.

"You know what, I actually think I heard it... It's a specific kind of infection".

"You're serious?"

"Yeah. I think it's called : "lycanthropy"

"What is that ? Is that bad?".

"Oh, yeah, it's the worst ! But only once a month"

"Once a month?"

Huh-huh. On the night of the full moon" He imitates a wolf howling. Scott, who was very serious, hits him. They start to look for something on the ground. "Stiles, don't do that! I was bitten to you know" I complain and sit down watching them. "Why aren't you stressing about it then? your just as happy as you normally are" Stiles says and I throw a branch at them. "I've always been weird. Maybe with all this stuff happening you'll believe me when I say I can feel your emotions again. you made fun of me the last time I tried to tell you but maybe now you'll believe me" I hum and Stiles snorts. "fat chance Bay" he says and I sigh. "It was worth a shot" I murmur and focus on Thor who chews on my fingers.

"I could have swear it was there. I saw the body, the stags running... I dropped my inhaler" Scott stresses and I tilt my head smelling something off in the distance.

"Maybe the killer moved the body" I chime in and Scott sighs.

"If he did it I hope he didn't take my inhaler, this thing costs like eighty dollars" Scott starts but Stiles shushes him and looks behind him. My eyes trail behind him to see a man with dark hair and green eyes like mine staring at me. I tilt my head curiously and he looks at Scott and Stiles.

"What are you doing here? Huh? This is private propriety" he says and Stiles gulps.

"Sorry, man, we didn't know" Stiles says quickly and I giggle as fear radiates off him.

"Yeah we were just... looking for something... Hum, forget it" Scott stutters and the man chucks the inhaler at him. Scott catches it and looks at the man in shock. "Lets go Bailey" Scott says and I nod. "Okay" I say and hop to my feet. and walk after them feeling the mans eyes burning holes in the back of my head.

"Ding dong I know you can hear me open up the door. I only want to play a little. Ding dong you cant keep me waiting its already to late. for you to runaway I see you through the window" I sing and Stiles glares. "Creepy Bay" he says and I giggle continuing to sing my song. "You know who that was right?" Stiles asks and Scott shakes his head. "Dude, that was Derek Hale ! You remember, right ? He's just a few years older than us" Stiles says incredulously. "Remember what?" I ask and he looks at me. "His family. They all burned in a fire like ten years ago" he tells me and I suddenly fee sad for him. "I wonder what he's doing back" I murmur looking back at where he just was a trail of anger and sadness was all that was left.

I stand at my locker grabbing my things and shit it only to scream as I'm thrown over someone's shoulder. "Let go" I shout and pound on the person's back. "Hey! Let her go!" I hear Scott shout and I lift my head to see Scott running towards me. Suddenly I'm thrown into a car and Jackson gets in the drivers seat. Scott reaches the car only to have Jackson dive away. "Scott!" I scream staring at him getting smaller and smaller. I spin around to stair at Jackson. "What the hell Jackson!" I shout and he glare at me. "Sit back and shut up" he snaps and I stare at him incredulously. he suddenly skids to a stop and I smack my head on his dashboard. I whimper and hold my head as Jackson gets out of the car and drags me through the woods. "Jackson please stop" I plead tears streaming down my face. He throws me to the ground and I gasp as I'm flipped over Jackson hovering over me. "What is your brother on?" he asks and I struggle in his hold.

"What are you talking about?" I ask and he grabs my hands pinning them above my head. "What is he on? Steroids? Drugs?" he asks and I shake my head. "I seriously have no idea what your talking about" I whimper and he gets angry and slaps me. I let out a pained scream and knee him in the balls. I shove him off me and take off running in a random direction. "Bailey get your ass back here!" I hear him scream and I wipe my tears away trying to run as fast as my little legs can take me. I slam into something and see Derek Hale grab my arms steadying me. "Whoa. What's wrong?" he asks and I flinch as I hear Jackson's voice. "Bailey when I find you, you will regret running" he screams and I sob. he touches my cheek which probably has the start of a bruise and his eyes flash blue rage emitting from him. "Stay here" he tells me and I nod hiding behind a tree. I slide down the trunk and wrap my arms around my knees. "What are you doing here?" I hear Derek ask and I bite my hand to keep quiet.

"Why is it any of your business" Jackson snaps and I feel Derek get even more angry. "it concerns me when your on my property" he says and I shove my face into my knees. "Whatever Dude" Jackson mumbles and I hear Derek growl as Jackson walks away. I lift my head as I hear Derek crouch down in front of me. he brings his hand up and gently runs his thumb across my cheek. I stare into his green eyes reading an unanswered question "He thought Scott was taking drugs or steroids" I murmur and he sighs and picks me up. I wrap my arms around his neck as he carries me back through the woods.

Derek sits me down on my bed an awkward silence settling between us. "thank you" I whisper finally speaking up. my eyes flicker up to see Derek staring at me and I sigh looking away. "Do you trust me?" he suddenly asks and my eyes snap to his confused. "well you did save me. And you given me no reason to not trust you. And strange enough I feel really safe around you" I tell him and he nod. "Then close your eyes" he says and I give him a weird look and slowly close my eyes. "Stay still. I want to try something" he whispers and I bite my lip but stay still. I feel him grab a hold of my chin and gently pull my lip from the grasp of my teeth and then I feel his lips on mine.




sit there still for a moment not sure what to do but I follow my instinct and slowly kiss back. I feel him smirk against my lips and he pulls away slightly. "you kiss so innocently" he voice deep and slightly scratchy. I feel my face heat up "well, I've never, um, you know" I stumble over my words causing him to chuckle. I playfully glare at him and he captures my lips again.

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