Clichéd Introductions and Openings

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    My name is Xenia Azurath and I'm the unluckiest piece of shit in the universe. It's hard to point down when all the stupid shit in my life began, but I'll try to anyways. However, before we get into the good stuff, I'll have to bore you with a chapter about my regular life and introduce you to my friends, because they're kind of important. Anyways, no more fucking around, let's do this shit!


  Jesus Christ school is boring, but what kid doesn't find school boring? This is my third year of high school and all I've learned is that it's nothing but a massive waste of my fucking time. The only classes I like are band, choir, and drama. These classes are fun and allow me to be creative, meanwhile my other classes are just 'learning' facts about shit I'll never bother with ever again once I escape this hell hole. My only saving graces are my friends.
    My best friend is Fera Avara.  She's pretty fucking cool, at least to me anyways. Her superpower is really simple, though. She has the power of flight. Pretty average, am I right, but the power of flight does have it's uses. She's also a year younger than me so we don't get to hang out at school much, but when we're outside of school it's as if we're joined together at the hips. We hang out way more than we really should.
    My other best friend is Zephinia Viyra. He's pretty cool, if a bit emotionless. Seriously, he shows about as much emotion as a brick, maybe even a little less. That's not the point though. The point is that he's powerful as fuck. His superpower is the ability to control space at will. He can do something as insignificant as teleporting small objects to something as drastic as warping the Milky Way galaxy into an indescribable mess of matter. It's a good thing he's always calm and straight faced about everything, unlike me.
    Now, I know what you're thinking, 'I want to know about this super cool chick who's narrating the story. She sounds like the coolest person ever!'. Well, I'd be happy to talk about myself! First of all, I'm gonna break the fourth wall whenever and however I chose to do so. Secondly, I have hydrokinesis as my superpower and I am also incredibly violent. Now, for those of you who don't know what hydrokinesis is, I can basically control all liquids at will with my mind. Lastly, I am a major Otaku, I love video games, and I'm quite the fandom trash if I do say so myself. That's probably not a good thing, but whatever.
    Oh, would you look at that. In the time it took me to narrate the introduction, my last period has ended. Awesome! I have no idea what the hell I was supposed to do for this class, but it doesn't fucking matter. My life is gonna go to shit soon anyways.
    As I walk out the front doors of the school I see Zephinia and Fera waiting for me by a tree. They haven't noticed me, good. I sneak through the crowd of students until I'm right behind them on the other side of the tree. I raise both of my hands slowly and then pull down on their shoulders quickly and with extreme force. The both of them drop their things and turn around to see their assailant in a swift blur only to realize that I had just played another prank on them. I started giggling, which turned into full blown laughter in a matter of seconds. My laughter disappeared just as quickly as it came.
    "Do you have to do this everyday, Xenia," Zephinia said with a hint of annoyance.
     "Yes, yes I do," I answered.
    " You don't have to be such a stick in the mud, Zephinia," said Fera. "It was just a joke, like you having any emotions."
    "OH SNAP," I yelled as I gave Fera a high five. "Shot's fired! Get wrecked!"
    Zephinia just shrugged as he had long since gotten used to our behavior and tormenting. We began walking home, as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary, yet. Me and Fera made tons of jokes and said lots of stupid shit in funny voices, while Zephinia just had a straight face the entire time and only occasionally took part in our shenanigans.
    Suddenly, a short cliché looking nerdy kid ran up to us holding flyers and panting heavily. "H-Hey, you... Guys... Are... High schoolers... Right," he asked in between breaths. I responded, "Um, yes? Why do you ask?"
    "My older... Brother... Clifton Archer... Is forcing me... To give these... To all the... High schoolers," He answered, clearly still out of breath.
    If what he said was true, then I felt really bad for this kid. Clifton is sort of a legend among the high schoolers. His parents are never home so he hosts parties nonstop and holds the title of 'Drinking King'. He probably forces his kid brother to do all the work he has at school and home for him. Either way, Clifton is a stereotypical asshole who's obsessed with parties, drugs, and alcohol, yet happens to be the most popular guy in school.
    The kid hands us a flyer and runs off, presumably to find more high school students. I read the flyer out loud to my friends.

   'This Saturday at 9 pm come have the time of your worthless lives and potentially have a chance at nabbing the tittle 'Drinking King'!

Where: Cliffton Archer's house
When: Saturday, September 8 at 9 pm

    Anyone who's anyone will come, and if you don't you're just a loser!'

    The flyer gave me the impression that Cliffton was a bigger douche than I thought. Fera and Zephinia had come to a mutual agreement that we shouldn't go, but an idea popped into my head and a wide, sinister grin was plastered across my face.
    "Let's crash it," I said quietly.
    "What," asked Zephinia.
    "I said, let's crash it," I yelled out. "We've never been to a party before, so let's go have some fun at someone else's place for once!"
    Fera immediately agreed with me. "Let's do it! What's the worst thing that could happen!? If anything, we'll have the most memorable night of our lives!"
    "How do I know that this is just going to end in disaster," Zephinia questioned himself as he face palmed.
    "But, you're still gonna go with us aren't you," I asked, knowing his one weakness was the inability to not give me what I want.
    "Fine," he said rather loudly. "I'll go just this once, but you have to promise that you guys won't do anything retarded."
    "OK," Fera and I said together.
    Everything was going to be just fine. Except, that lie was the biggest pile of shit I ever told myself.

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