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Nialls pov

I stood outside off my school or should I say, my hellhole, it has just been the summer holidays and everyone is back at school now. I am not excited at all, you see for the last 2 years I have been bullied by the same guy Louis Tomlinson and his gang, Harry Styles, Zayn Malik and Liam Payne. they hate me and the bullying started getting a lot worse when they found out I was gay a year later. Now here is the twist, I have a huge crush on my main bully, Louis Tomlinson, yeh weird I know.

Some buses started pulling into the car park so I started walking into the school, my head bowed down, pushing my glasses up the ridge off my nose. I walked over to my locker and grabbed my books for the first lesson, as I was moving my hand away, the locker slammed shut making me jump, fear took over my body as I already know who closed it. I turned to face my tormentors, Louis smirked down at me.

"Haha, look it's fag boy." He mocked

They all started laughing

All of a sudden Louis grabbed my collar and pushed me up against the locker, making my head bash into the metal.

"When are you going to realise that no one likes you? Also why haven't you killed yourself yet?" He whispered in my ear

Well I already know no one likes me and actually that's a good question, why haven't I killed myself yet?

Ring ring ring

"Saved by the bell, loser." Louis sneered and walked off with his gang of minions.

I just walked off to my English class and sat down at the back, thinking about Louis' question, why haven't I killed myself yet?

"Hello class, today we will be learning about the famous British author, Charles Dickens. You may know some off his books, such as The night before Christmas, Oliver Twist and can anyone name any more off his books?" The teacher asked

I raised my hand

"Yes Niall."

"Great expectations." I commented

"Nerd." I heard a boy in front off me say

"That is correct, well done." The teacher told me

The rest off the lesson went by quickly and so did more lessons after that. It was now Lunch, I hate lunch, I don't eat anything because I don't want to waste food that other people can eat and I don't want to add on more fat. The main reason I hate lunch though is it's when they usually beat me up in the locker room.

I walked out off my history classroom and started walking down the hall with my head down, trying to be unnoticed.

That obviously didn't work because I suddenly feel 4 strong arms pull me backwards and throwing me on the ground.

I looked up and there they were, Harry walked up to the door of the locker room and locked it.

They all smirked at me.

"You think you could hide from us, think again." Louis commented

"Hey Louis, let's play a little game of smear the queer." Zayn laughed

"Yes, we should." He smirked and kicked me hard in the ribs

Harry and Zayn joined in and started punching me and kicking me hard, Liam never seems to join in, I looked up at him and he had guilt written all over his face.

Louis grabbed my hair, lifted my head up and smashed it on the ground, I yelped in pain.

"Shut up faggot or we will make this ten times as bad." Harry threatened

They continued to beat me for about 15 minutes until I was practically lying in a pool of my own blood. This is the worst they have ever beat me.

I looked up but regretted it as soon as the pain ran through my body, I winced.

"Guys lets have a little more fun with this loser." Louis said evilly

They nodded and he whispered in their ears. They all started smirking apart from Liam and came up to me grabbing me and carrying me over to Liam's locker, unlocking it, I knew what they where gonna do.

"No p-p-please d-don't." I begged

They didn't listen and shoved me into the locker as I was small enough to fit. They closed it and I heard the click saying that it was locked

"Please let me out, please." I begged again but they must have already left since I couldn't hear any movement or any talking

It feels like the walls are closing in on me, I started trying to breath heavily as I'm really claustrophobic. Tears started falling from my eyes.

A few hours later

I started crying again thinking that I might be in here all night.

Suddenly I heard footsteps enter the locker room and then the locker swung open.

It was Liam, I quickly jumped out and started breathing heavily

"I'm sorry." He apologised

"What t-time is I-it?" I asked

"It's 5pm." He stated

"Shit, my dad I gonna kill me." I whispered to myself quietly

"What?" Liam asked

"N-nothing, why a-are you h-h-here so late a-anyways?" I questioned nervously

"Football practise." He stated

"Ok, I h-have to g-go." I replied and started running out the locker room until Liam's voice stopped me



"Don't tell anyone about this ok?"


I ran back to my house as fast as my legs could carry me, but stopping a few times because of the pain filling my body, especially my ribs and my head.

Once I arrived I opened the door slowly trying to not make any noise so that my dad wouldn't hear me, luckily I saw him passed out on the couch with bottles of alcohol around him. I sneaked upstairs and slowly walked into the bathroom, looking at my ugly face in the mirror, my lip was busted, I had a black eye, there was a huge cut on my right cheek and that was only the injuries on my face. I guess I'm kind off relieved that they didn't snap or smash my glasses as I wouldn't have been able to get new ones.

Tears fell from my eyes as I searched in the draw to find my razor. Once I found it, i pulled it out off the draw, dry blood at the ends. I pulled up the sleeve of my jumper and looked at the previous markings I have made. A bit further up my arm I started to calve letters into my skin slowly, blood dripping from my arm. The word now carved on my upper right arm was...fag...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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