Last Warning

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I'll take your breath,
And lock it away.
You've killed my spirit.
I wilted under your ray.
It's sad that after everything
How easy it was for you to get me to stay.
You curled your finger
in a seductive way.
And I jumped at the chance
To serve my heart on a tray.

Your eyes strayed.
My love played.
My nerves frayed.
My mind decayed

Am I the one to blame?
Was I to easy for you to tame?
I fell for the one with the lame heart.
Was my affection fun to claim?
Should I feel shame?
For losing to an opponent, who followed his own rules and played  a different game?
No go back to hell from whence you came.
Before gods of karma take aim.

I'll try not to seek revenge
No matter how much I want to
Because that'll mean
that I'm no better than you
Besides fate will make you rue.
Be happy that I have better things to do
Then worry about the human version of the biblical snake,
With a face that belongs in a zoo.

Don't fool yourself I'm letting u go for me
better pray to god and feel glee
that I've decided not to literally
Cut u off at the knee.
You'd better take the chance to flee
Cause hurting you would feel better than waiting hours and finally getting the chance to pee
Heed this warning and leave
Before I make you pay in worse ways than a fee
Then throw your cold, damaged body to rot
Forever at the bottom of the sea.

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