Chapter 13

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~Kendalls POV~

Everyone got tired of swimming so we went inside and got cleaned up

~At School~

Jack and I arrived at school and we walked to our lockers and got what we needed and then we walked hand in hand to first period

Their were people that were pointing and laughing at me as we walked down the hall this school year isn't gonna be fun

As we walked into class Jack and I sat down in our seats and the teacher had greeted us

"Jack?" I whispered

"Yes" Jack said

"Why do people hate me? While we were walking down the hallway to class people were pointing and laughing at me" I said

"Because there jealous of you don't mind them baby okay their nothing but haters and plus your with me you'll make it through it this year okay?" Jack said

I nodded and noticed that G and Shawn had sat in front of us so I taped on Shawn's shoulder and he turned around in his seat

"Hey you know people don't like me already" I said

Shawn looked at me surprised and I shook my head and then the teacher started talking about the rules and what we were going to do in the class then she let us play on our phones

She even turned on a movie for the ones who don't have a phone so we had the lights turned off so I turned down my brightness so she wouldn't yell at me

"Hey Shortie why don't people like you" G asked

"I don't know Jack and I were heading to class and people were pointing and laughing at me so I have no clue of what's going on but I really don't give a damn" I said

G smiled at me and then the bell rang and I went to my locker switched my stuff out and then rushed to class with Jack since our classes are the same

When we got to class Carter and Mathew were sitting in the seats behind Jack and I's so we took our seats and once everyone was in the class room the teacher explained everything to us

Lunch time

The lunch bell finally rang and Jack and I had raced to lunch and we got our tray and sat down at a lunch table

Emily, Liz, Carter, Shawn, Mathew, Taylor, G, Johnson, Cameron, Nash, Hayes, and I all were sitting at the lunch table we were a eating and talking

Then a few popular girls walked up to our table and looked at me

"Is there something you girls need?" I asked

"Why are you dating Johnson I mean not to be rude or anything but your ugly and hes hot" One said

"Go away she's perfect the way she is and she isn't ugly you just think she is because you think your better then her you hoe" Johnson snapped

The three of them walked away and only one of them were crying which I found funny

~Jacks POV~

Kendall had gotten up and threw away her trash and she started walking away I got up and headed towards her she was going to the bathroom

I had caught up to her and put grabbed her wrist and turned her to face me I cupped her face

"What's wrong with you?" I asked

"No one here likes me Jack you and the guys are all popular and in getting made fun of because everyone thinks I'm not good enough for you so what am I spouse to do try to fit in because its not gonna work Jack" Kendall cried

"Don't think about what they say or do just ignore them okay?" I said

I kissed her and we went back to our lunch table then the bell rang and we went to class and then the rest of the day went by fast

So Kendall had drove Liz and Emily home while I drove the rest of us home and when we got home we all went straight to the kitchen to get something to eat

"What do you guys want to eat?" I asked

"We should order pizza I mean I just looked everywhere in the pantry for food theirs nothing good to eat" G said

"Okay sounds great what kind of pizza do we want?" I asked

"Supreme" Nash said

I nodded and called pizza hut to order 2 larger supreme pizzas and 1 large coke and we waited a good 15 minutes once I ordered the pizza

Once the pizza got here Kendall pulled in the driveway and she walked in the house and grabbed a plate and got a couple slices of pizza and sat down and ate

I sat down beside her and ate then mom walked in the door and looked at us like we were all crazy or something

"You guys do know Im gonna cook?" She asked

"Yeah we will still eat when you cook we all were starving when we got home from school so we ordered pizza" G said

"Kendall you had no say in this?" mom asked

"Um I had to drive Emily and Liz home and when I got here the pizza was here so no" Kendall said

She nodded her head and went to the kitchen to start cooking dinner and so Kendall had went upstairs and I went in the kitchen and helped mom with whatever she needed help with

Then when the food got done everyone ran in the kitchen and fixed them a plate to eat

When we all got done eating we all went to our rooms and Kendall actually went to her room instead of coming to mine to sleep

I went to her room and she was sitting on the bed crying I sat down beside her and pulled her close to me and she cried in my shirt

"In always here for you babygirl okay? I love you always" I said

She shook her head and she just cried then Cameron and Shawn walked in the room

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