Chapter 1

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My car ride to college was mainly uneventful after all the emotions were gone. It took 6 hours to get to Newton University but after hour 3 it was very boring. Most of the time parents bring their children to college for the first time but considering it was 6 hours away and i'd be seeing them in a few months for thanksgiving anyways it'd seemed like a waste to make them drive all the way down there when i am perfectly capable myself.

I'm not going to lie the car ride was sad and lonely and almost overflowing with anxiety. When i'd got to my dorm, dorm #3201 in the Hunt building my dorm­mate wasnt there yet. I chose the bed on the left but it didn't matter because the room was symmetrical. I put away all my things and made my bed and hung my posters. But it was almost 2 hours before my roommate joined me.
The lock made the clicky noise and the handle jiggled and the door opened to reveal a boy with dark black hair, blue eyes and black large ish squarish glasses, he looked around 6'1.
"Hello?" he said.
"Hi" i said back.
"Hi i'm phil!" he said sticking out his arm for a handshake.
"Dan" i said shaking his hand. He started to put his stuff down when
his dad came in with loads more things then i brought. I thought to myself 'oh crap i didn't bring enough stuff i might run out of underwear or something' but then his dad said...
"Phil is all this crap really necessary... oh is this your roommate?' "Yea, hi im dan"
"Oh what a nice boy eh phil? Real smart i bet" he said in a way that
was almost like he was trying to sell me like a product. i just laughed it off but phil wasn't having it.
"Dad! Stop embarrassing me! We don't even know eachother!" he said obviously annoyed.
"It's okay" i said giggly "he is just trying to be nice"
"Yes thank you, dan" he said, "so where are you from?" he said putting down the rest of phil's stuff and starting to put it away.
"I'm from chicago' i said.
"wow chicago! That's almost 6 hours away! Were from here in idaho" he said acting he was surprised i was from so far away. "You must be very smart to have gotten out of state tuition for here"
"Something like that" i said.
We talked for a few hours while his tons of things were being put away though phil didn't say much.
"Well it was nice meeting you but the Mrs. wanted me to be home in 5 minutes." he said holding his hand out for a handshake.
"Nice meeting you too, sir, bye"

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