Shy (but really insane) Golden Freddy X Mean Reader

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"Y/n!! Get your ass down here!! Your going to be late for school!" Your mother Beyonce yelled in aggravation. "Alright, alright calm your tits mah girl im trying to make my ass look good!" You yelled back in a flash. "Oooh y/n l/n dont make me grab your narrow ass and drag you downstairs!!!!" Beyonce screamed from the top of her lungs. "Alriiight fine...ugh im coming!" You yelled back in defeat.

You grabbed your makeup finishing the last touches of your face and threw them down on the bed, running out the door,down the stairs.
"Y/n remember what i told you about running down the stairs you little rulebreaker?" Your mother scolded you. "Umm let me think about it........noo?" You replyed back with a tint of confusion in your voice.

"Oh girl get out of my face you know i told you time to time about running down the stairs, you're gonna get yourself hurt and your sister and I do not feel like sitting in a hospital for you." Beyonce said in aggravation. "Ok, so what if i get hurt I'll just skip school and-" "Girl shut the hell up and go outside and wait for the bus to come and get you!" Your mother interupted.

You huffed and walked out the door, but not without raising the middle finger behind your back at your mother. You slammed the door walking outside to the sign that said bus stop, not only seeing your sister Blu Ivory there but a couple of students in your class.

You sighed in misery and leaned agaisnts the sign looking foward with your arms crossed. "Hey sis, whats up today?" Blu asked with worry in her voice. "Oh nothing....but my moms tits there really poking out her shirt and she needs to calm the fuck down...and her damn titties!" You shouted in frustration. Your sister only looked at you and said "Damn y/n, thats only because your a Rulebreaker and mom is very strict and you know how she gets when you dont listen." With that she turns around as the bus arrives and you sigh and mummble saying, "Yea so what i do what i want to do bitch ass."

You shove your way to the back of the bus and throw yourself on golden freddy streching all over him too. Golden Freddy only blushes at you and he schooches over by the window some just to get away from your body. "Ey mah boy, the hells wrong with you i aint got no ticks on me or stink like hell?" You say looking at him with his golden hair covering most of his eye and covering up a blush of embarrassment.

"Hey uh dude you gon answer me or what?! I aint talking to the damn school bus window!" You yelled in rage. Golden freddy holds his head down turning towards you mumbling "I-im s-sorry i-im j-j-just reall-y sh-shy." He starts to fondle with his fingers and you give him the nasty face and you snort saying "Really nigger just really, what the hell is this?" You mimicked his doings and laughed out loud in his ear which really deep inside of golden freddy he wanted to knock the hell out of you, but he wanted to keep his cover of being the 'shy' innocent kid.

Freddy sighs at his brother being teased by you and he scoots over on the edge of the seat and he taps you on the shoulder and he asks, "Can you not tease my brother or any one basically?" You give him the 'excuse me bitch look' and you nod and say sarcastically "Oh yes of course im sorry homie I'll stop.....when hell has ice water!" You slap your thighs and laugh your ass off.  Freddy raises his middle finger at you and turns away facing foward in his seat.

After 2 more minutes on the bus ya'll finally arrived at school and when the school bus doors opens you yank golden freddy's collar up and pushed him in front of you saying, "Pussys first." He frowns and sighs, but then he grins to himself secretly about what he will do when he gets his hands on you as punishment. You fake yawn and you say, "Ugh to damn slow for me." You push golden freddy down the bus stairs and walk on him hearing his back crack and whimpers only making you smile and chuckle. Freddy helps his brother up and asks him, "Are you alright she didnt break anything when she stepped on you right golden?" "Y-yea i-im al-right." Golden freddy said sheepishly looking at his brothers icy blue eyes filled with concern. Freddy and golden freddy walk off together in the schools hallways and out of the blue freddy says, "Pardon my language brother but that y/n there is a complete BITCH and something needs to be done about her slick ass." Golden freddy laughs a bit and says, "Your excused brother but i-im sure t-that s-somethi-ng wi-ll be done about her." Then he only smirks even more about what he will do to you.

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