New Surroundings

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AUTHORS NOTE-  Read: My Story, My Life - Book 1. So You Know Whats Up With All This ^.^

this is around the time we were introduced to sexual contact, relationships, drugs, alcohol, parties e.c.t. I Hung out with Rowan and Ocean from primary (Read Book 1) But Jade didn't come to girls high... In our intro to girls high we met Flora, a sweet girl who us three became friends with straight away. Ocean left the group as she found people more like her. Flora was in the boarding school (Lupton) in Girls High. Along the high school journey in Term 1, I also met Destinee; who became my best friend for a while. She was confident, beautiful and outgoing; a bit like Jade with the personality :) We ended up growing really close but we grew apart after a short amount of time... Probably lasted a term and a half.

Around the middle of Term 2, I started hanging out with these girls in my core class; Lily, Zadie (Zay-dee) and Gabby. They introduced me to their group and I guess I fitted in pretty well. One person didn't exactly like me but that person kinda bullied me a bit so I left to another group.

Finally; I found a group I fitted in with :) There were a few members including: Brooke, Kyra, Jessica.W, Jessica.C, Raven, Shayla, Jazzmine, Another girl I didn't learn the name of and Zoe.     This group didn't exactly have the best role models but I love em <3 Only a few of these girls are still with us but otherwise I miss the rest x Brooke, Kyra and Shayla are the only ones still with us. There are a few newbies like Jessica.F e.c.t but I'll get to that in the next chapter as this happens through a pretty bad drama...

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