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You were a huge fan of Sam and Colby. You went on Twitter and said " I can't wait to see @SamandColby " .

After checking Twitter you get on your Life project account you check if anyone need some advice ( if you don't have a TLP account bare with me ) you see someone needing help
After about 10 mins you go text one your internet friends she loves Sam and Colby .

Y: hey you still going to see Sam and Colby
H: yea I can't wait for tomorrow we finally get to meet after knowing each for a year
Y: me either and I also can't wait finally hug and actually talk to our boys
H: yess I'm so excited I may not sleep
Y: me either well I need to sleep see you tomorrow
H: yea me too sleep well
Y: you too

You get offline and take a shower and change and go to bed

Next day
You wake up early so you can get ready and pack some stuff to give to Sam and Colby
You run and grab your clothes and put them on you put your favorite outfit on. You text your internet friend to serif she is up and she is
After texting her you go curl your hair and put makeup on.
About 30 mins later you go make some breakfast your mom was at work so you had to drive yourself to the venue .
You call your internet friend to see if your still coming to get her

Y: you ready
H: she said almost by the time you get here I will
Y: ok I be there in 20 mins
H: ok see you soon I'll text you the hotel address

After you finished calling her you finished you ran up stairs grabbed the things you were giving to Sam and Colby and your headphones and charger and grabbed your keys and left

As you were you were in the car your phone gets a tweet you stop at a red light and saw it was a follow from Sam you smiled and drove on

When you got to her hotel you went in and looked  for her room number as soon as you found her room number you knocked and she let you in

About 10 mins later she was done she grabbed her things and went with you .

While you both the car your phone went off you told her to grab it she did
She said " it's a tweet from Sam " she smiled and screamed bit which hurt she almost dropped your phone but she unlocked your phone and read the tweet it said " @y/un I can't wait to see you either " you smiled and keep driving

Once you got to the venue you parked and got your things for Sam and Colby and few things for your internet friends 
You got out and walked to the venue you were the last ones you met a few people in line and once you swear you saw Tayler but you just thought to yourself I'm seeing things ( I based this part on when I think I saw calum hood at my 5sos concert by the gates )

After about  what felt like forever you were next to meet Sam and Colby you smiled trying to compose yourself 
As the person left you and your internet friend walk up to them you smile and said hi and hugged them
Then after pulling away from Sam he recognized you and he said " I remember you from TLP you are the nicest person and you love helping others and I kinda have a confession I kinda stalk your Twitter profile " you smiled and said " it's not weird I kinda like it " he said "oh ok " he pulled you farther away from Colby and your friend he ask " are you doing anything this weekend " you said " nope  why ?" He said " well...... I would like to hang on Saturday " you said " like a date ?" He said " sure it can be here's my number " you added his number and he added yours . Before he had to go on stage he kissed your cheek and blushed you blushed too.

You walked to your sets . Your friend asked" what did he say " you said " he asked me on a date " your friend smiled and almost screamed again.
As Sam and Colby came on you smiled cause you saw Sam when Sam and Colby came to your side of the stage Sam saw you and smiled and blushed he said to the mic " well now it's time to bring two people on stage Colby go look for one and I will look for one " he smiled saying this and then he came to you and took you on stage then Colby ran to your internet friend and brought her on stage you both smiled at each other as Sam and Colby did the thing Sam pulled you a side and said " would you like to go on a adventure by after the show " you said yes

After the show

You wait for Sam to come out your internet friend left with Colby
Sam ran out and meet you he hugged you and you smiled.
He walked you to his car opened your door and let you in
He got in and turned on the car and turned off the radio . You were kind of nervous you had the hugest crush on Sam . Sam sees your nervous he takes your hand and intwined your hand to his he rubs the back of your hand and you start to ease down. Sam made a joke to help you calm down you laughed and felt better .

After the car ride
It's was about 10 mins later you made it a hike trail . He opens the door and helps you out and you smiled. He grabs your hand and walk .

It's started to get cold you were still intnertwined with sams hand . You started to shiver Sam had a hoodie on . He looked at you with concern and asked " are you okay ?" You said " just a bit cold " he took off his hoodie and handed it to and you put it on and was warm and smelled like him.

You were getting tired. You made it to the cliff you and Sam sat down . He pulled you in close . He said " I know we just met but I have liked you on twitter for years I was wondering if you could be my girlfriend " you said " yes I found you and Colby when you made your third vine "

8 months later

You had moved in with Sam and Colby. Colby had a girlfriend is was your internet friend they started dating a month ago you and Sam have been dating for 8 months. Sam treats you like a princess he makes you feel happy every time you laugh he laughs with you and looks at you and smiles. He was your first and your last he's yours forever

How did you like it
I think when this gets 900 reads I'll make a Sam golbach book Colby will be in it I have many ideas for it so yea

Oh did you see Sams hair cut he looks good and I would of uploaded yesterday but I was at a friend's house so yea and I was mourning a loss of a friend she died in a car crash so yea

Oh and I have a YouTube channel it's called fangirl4life101 go check it out I only have one video rn but there will be more but go check it out I will talk about Sam and Colby and The life project p.s I love you TLP family and I will do challenges but I will be using my phone so yea

Like , comment and I'm working on request so yea hope you enjoyed

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