The Delusion

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   You're sitting on the beach, letting the waves lap at your feet, taking in all the wonderful details. The salty smell of the ocean, the sounds of the seagulls squawking and the children laughing, the feel of the sun on your face and the sand beneath you. All in all, it's a beautiful day. It's the kind of day that feels like everything is okay and nothing bad will ever happen. You sigh and lean back contentedly. 

   Glancing to your right, you see a beautiful woman walking towards the ocean, towards you. Her dark brown hair flows to her shoulders in perfect curls, and she wears a diamond necklace with matching earrings, and her makeup accentuates her features perfectly. She is stunning, made even more so by the dazzling smile on her face.

   What puzzles you about her, however, is not how she looks, but what she is doing. She appears to be walking into the ocean. At first you had assumed that she would stop and gaze at the horizon, a task that you often did yourself. But the woman hadn't stopped at the edge of the beach where the waves met the sand. She continued into the ocean, moving slowly yet gracefully. 

   You call out to her, asking if she was alright, and what she was doing. She didn't answer- in fact, it wasn't evident whether or not she'd even heard you. She continued upon her journey into the ocean peacefully, seemingly unaware of the water that was now lapping at her waist.

   You want to get up and confront her to see if she's okay, but you find yourself frozen to the spot, unable to move. You call out again in desperation, hoping with all of your might that she would turn around, realize what she was doing. However, your efforts were futile.

   The woman was now shoulder deep in the water, dangerously close to drowning. Despite your best efforts, she had not slowed down and you knew it was only a matter of seconds before she was completely submerged. You tried desperately to tear your eyes away from the sight, but you were unable. As you watched, the woman walked further and further into the water until she was no longer visible. 

   You let out an anguished wail, pleading for her to come back so she wouldn't drown, but it was too late. The woman was gone., She had disappeared into the vast darkness of the ocean. 


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