Chapter 1: Ninja Academy

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[Y/n]'s P.O.V.

"I'M LATE!! I'M LATE!!" I shouted running out the house but ran back remembering that I forgot my weapon pouch. 'Where did I put it?' I mentally screamed running into everything in sight as I continued to have a panic attack. The time continued to tick, I only had a few more minutes left of class.

"Sis, your pouch is here," Konohamaru said holding my weapon pouch. I dashed towards him with lightning speed and ran out the door without saying a thing, ignoring the last few words Konohamaru had to say.

"*Pants* made it," I breathed as I entered the academy where I met my new Sensei. He introduced himself as Iruka and I nodded not really paying attention to the rest of what he wanted to say. My mind wanded off as my eyes started to explore the new environment. I wanted to go here a long time ago but Grandpa (Hokage) thinks I'm too irresponsible and won't let me come here unless I became more mature. "I'll show him irresponsible." I balled my hand into a fist, fire was nearly visible in my eyes.

When I entered the room I saw no one. To tell the truth, I was surprised since I came late. 'Where are the other students?' I asked myself mentally. Iruka-Sensei saw the blank expression I had and informed me that I'm 20 minutes early which caused me to sweatdrop. He left the room to file some papers as more students entered the room, I guess no one saw me because I sat quietly at the back near the window. All the unfamiliar faces scared me, and after what seems like a million years, Iruka-Sensei finally returned.

He started to scan the room for any absences and asked "Where's Naruto?" Everyone ignored the question and started to chat. From the hallway, I heard a muffle and footsteps, the door slid open and out popped a blond haired boy around my age. The first thing he did was turn to me and squint his eyes. I gave him a 'what do you want' face back.

"Who are you? I've never seen you before!" He questioned while pointing at me but was interrupted by Iruka-Sensei's scold again.

He quickly sat down next to me and whispered to me, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki, what's your name?" Just when I was about to answer Iruka-Sensei called on me.

"We have a new student joining us today! [Y/n] please introduce yourself." He happily announced. I got scared for a second but still stood up. I wasn't use to all this attention and the creepy stares the others gave me just made it worst. 'Like we rehearsed, like we rehearsed." I tried to calm myself down but didn't seem to work

"*Takes a deep breath* Konichiwa minna-san, I'm [Y/n] [L/n], today's my first day here so please take care of me," I said the end rather faster than I intended to and my face was probably as red as a tomato so I looked down hoping no one would notice. After Iruka-Sensei declared the start of class, I sat back down to noticed a few boys staring at me and lasted throughout the entire class. Naruto asked to be friends in the middle of all the chaos too and I gladly agreed, although it was our first day meeting each other I had a strong feeling that we would be really good friends.


"RING!!! RING!!! RING!!!!" The bell rang and everyone rushed out. I was one of them, I was eager to go home, the boys in my new class gave me the creeps. Just when I was about to head home, Naruto chased out the academy door and started screaming my name.

"Hey, [Y/n] wait up!" Naruto shouted from behind me making me stop. I turned around, I guess he was running a little too fast so his brakes stopped working eventually leading up to the scene of me on the floor, and Naruto on top of me. Him and I both blushed madly and he quickly got off me. Then there was this awkward silence between us, it got so boring I decided to break the silence after remembering he was the one who wanted to tell me something.

"Hey Naruto-kun," he replied quickly with some stutter and the blush still remained on his face. "What were you going to tell me earlier?"

"Oh yeah, I want you to come with me to Ichiraku's for some ramen." He invited which I gladly accepted. I suggested to pay for both our meals and Naruto's eyes lit up after I said that.

"Be a man of your words [Y/n]," He stated making me question if it was a good idea to do so. When we got there the elderly man greeted Naruto, I never came here so the man didn't know me. He asked us what we want and served it fast so we didn't wait long.

"Itadakimasu!" Naruto and I said in unison before stuffing ourselves.

"Naruto, I never knew you had a girlfriend, it's nice seeing young love." The man chuckled making me choke. Naruto had to explain that we just came for ramen because it was our first-day meeting and that I'm his first friend. He surprised me when he said that I was his first friend, I have a lot of friends and many of them I don't even remember their names. The man left us alone and I got to admit the ramen tasted delicious.

After Naruto finished his bowl he winked at me. I have a bad feeling about this, "remember you're treating me to this ramen." Naruto said which scared me.

"Another bowl of miso ramen."

~~Time Skip Due to Naruto's HUGE Appetite~~

"I'm stuffed!" Naruto said after putting down his 12th bowl of ramen.

"And I'm going to be poor! I said I was going to pay for one of your ramen not all!" I defended.

"No, you said you were going to pay for MY ramen which is ALL!" He replied.

"But... But... Fine," I gave up while Naruto cheered.

"Remind me to never treat Naruto to ramen again," I said under my breath shaking my empty wallet.

"It's getting late so I got to go," I stated and Naruto agreed. We went our separate ways and once I got home I got the scold I was prepared for. It's kind of weird that I get scold by Konohamaru even though I'm older. I can be really immature sometimes but this is unacceptable.

[A/n]: Hello everyone, I am new to wattpad (well kinda I forgot I had a wattpad account for a year) and this is a Naruto various x reader story I wrote and it is on quotev too. is my account on quotev so please check it out if you can.

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