Chapter 3| Just a little love affair

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Killian's P.O.V

"Bloody hell" Killian thought to himself as he was getting his laptop out to finish some work.. "What is wrong with me? I can't date a student. It won't end well, it never does. But god Emma is such a good kisser, she is absolutely stunning. I would love to be her boyfriend, after all I am only like 4 years older than her. NO Killian she is still your student, if someone were to find out about us her reputation would be ruined and she'd be expelled not to mention that I'd loose my job and get sent to jail. But I do need to talk to her, I need to see how she is feeling. Yes I'll call her and we can talk about it. I just don't want to hurt her." He turned off his thoughts to focus on finishing his work .

Emma's P.O.V

" Yes FINALLY" Emma said as she dove head first in her bed. She looked at her phone and noticed a new voice message from Mary-Margaret. "Hey Em, its us, we won't be able to come home tonight David and I are stuck in Boston and won't be able to catch a flight home until tomorrow" "Right they had to go to Boston for the day. How could I forget that." she thought as she listened to the rest of the voice mail. "So there is pizza in the freezer for dinner and don't forget to do your homework. I'll see you tomorrow, bye." The voice message ended. " yay i get to be home alone, have pizza and have a movie marathon! thank god I have no homework!"

After She put the pizza in the oven she heard her phone ringing. She answers the unknown caller.

"Hello? Who is this?" She told the person on the other line.

"Emma. Hi its Killian." He answered her.

"Oh Killian hi, How did you get my number?" She asked.

"It's in the student files which are stored on my computer." he answered her.

"Wait so all the teachers have my personal phone number? Thats creepy."

"Aye it is.' He affirmed.

"okay so why'd you call me? Not that i'm complaining." she asked.

"Swan I think that you and I should talk about what happened today." he said.

"Okay how about you come over to my place in about half an hour?" she said.

"Are you sure thats okay? what about your parents." he questioned her.

"Oh their plane is stuck in Boston so they won't be home until tomorrow. So what do you say?"

"Aye love, sounds like a date." He said.

"Date I don't remember asking." She flirted.

"thats because I am." he said in his dreamy Irish accent.

"Okay, I have a Pizza in the oven."

"perfect! see you soon." he answered.

"Wait Killian don't you need an address? Unless you want to go door to door looking for me?" She said with a chuckle.

"Right." Killian said embarrassed.

"It's 108 Roger avenue." she told him.

"Wow that's like a ten minute walk from me. See you soon, love!"

"See you soon, babe." she answered before she hung up.

Emma ran upstairs to get ready for their date. "Okay Emma what are you going to wear tonight? You want to look cute and Gorgeous for Killian but not to overdress.. Ah I know. {her dress is the one from 4x04 date} Perfect! she said as she finished off her look by tightening her ponytail. The doorbell rang and she looked at herself in the mirror and let out a breath "You got this" then she dashed to the door revealing a stunned Killian.

Killians P.O.V

Wow I can't believe that I have this beauty standing in front of me. How did I ever get so lucky she's just amazing.

"Wow. Swan, you look absolutely stunning" I say and she blushes. God I love making her smile its just so beautiful.

"Thanks. You look Amazing." She compliments my dress shirt and classic leather pants. I smile at her and she invites me in.

"Welcome to my home." She says as I walk in.

"Wow this is a beautiful house you have here." I say.

"Thanks." she says.

"Um Em, whats that smell?" I ask her.

"AGH shit the pizza I totally forgot." she says as she runs to the oven and fans out the room.

I run over to her and pull the pizza out of the oven and throw it in the sink. Emma just faceplants her head on the counter and starts laughing.

"Oh my god I'm an idiot" she says still laughing.

"No you're not. But you could use some cooking lessons. although frozen pizza dose not really count as cooking" I say as I chuckle.

"Shut up" she says as she playfully hits my arm.

"You're bloody adorable." I say to her and she just smiles.

I go over to her and give her a big hug. "How about we just order some sushi?" I say as pull away from the hug.

"hmh that sounds perfect." she says in agreement.

"Ill order it." I say as I grab the phone and dial the sushi place.

A little while after Emma and Killian have cuddled up on the couch with their sushi and were setting up netflix. They both agreed to watch an episode of glee.

"That was great,love" I said as the episode ended.

"Yeah But Rachel can be so annoying at times." she says and I nod in agreement.

"I had a lovely time tonight" I say as I look at her.

"Me too." she says.

"Emma I think we need to talk about us."

"Okay" she says a little worried expression crosses her face. I hold her close to me.

"Emma I don't know if I can do this. Do us.

[Cliffhanger hahahahahahah.... Lol. I'm SO SORRY that its been like forever since I've updated I've just been so busy with school and stuff but ill try to update more often now. as always please comment your thoughts and suggestions.

Ily guys


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