Chapter 1• Welcome To My Life

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My alarm goes off for school. I get up slowly so I don't hurt myself. I go down stairs slowly while wincing. Yesterday I was at the park staring at the beautiful stars but it didn't last long. I was found by my bullies and beat.

Tank-top, sweatshirt, black skinny jeans, black vans, and cheap bracelets.

  That was my outfit every day. I brush my plain brown hair and eat very little. My parents are rarely home. They both travel the world because of there jobs. After brushing my teeth I grab my phone and my bag.

  Off to a nightmare.

   I drive to school in my grey mini-cooper. I start running towards class forgetting about my previous injuries. I rush into class only to get glared at. I keep my head down a bit and readjusted my glasses. I sit alone in the back of the class.

The teacher makes us take notes on Unicellular and Multicellular organisms. I just get my homework done in other classes since I had already taken the notes. I was failing in my math class but not right now. We had a substitute because our math teacher got into a car accident and is now paralyzed. We were suppose to have a new teacher in a couple days.

After finishing my homework for the next two weeks I doodle on a piece of binder paper. The bell rings signaling it was time for my world history class. I quickly scramble to the class. I sit in my assigned seat.

In the back alone.

Except for something was off. I wasn't alone this time. A pretty blonde was seated next to mine. She had brown eyes and a skinny frame. I sit it my seat.

"Hi. My name is Kaylee. What's yours?"

This is the first time in a long time someone has actually noticed my presence other than the bullies. "Ashley." I mumble with my head down. "What did you say? I couldn't hear you." Kaylee says. "Ashley." I speak up. "That's a name I haven't heard around at my old school. It's very pretty. Hey are you okay? You are really pale." Kaylee asks in a concerning tone.

Yea it's only just starving myself.

"I feel fine. I don't know why I'm so pale." I lie. Kaylee just nods and stares at me for a second. "Is there something on my face?" I ask. "Nope. I was just wandering if I could sit with you at lunch?" Kaylee asks. "Yea. If I'm around." I mumble the last part.

Kaylee gets back to the lesson. I just keep on doodling since I've been ahead of most classes for months. I don't dare meet anyone else's eyes. I know they are all glaring at me. To think I've never done anything wrong to them.

I was just different.

I liked rock bands. They like hip-hop or R&B. They wore make-up and work out. I don't wear make-up and I enjoy to read. The girls were pretty.

I wasn't like them.

  Even the teachers think I'm crazy. Rumors were spread. It was either I did this or I did that. They all saw me as a psychotic girl who needed therapy. So when people started saying that they made up stories about me trying to commit suicide.

Now this should be shocking.

   Everyone believed them. Only one of those stories were true. My mom and dad were away in England. Things were getting tough and my bullies had sent me to the hospital a few days before that. I was checking my feed when I saw a page based on me.

It was horrifying.


   Without thinking, I instantly clicked on it and instantly regretted my actions. I looked through the page only to see hate. I scrolled through hundreds of hate comments. The disturbing thing was there were pictures of me walking on campus and in town. Some were from my room.

So I took so many pills.

    It was about three whole bottles. I wrote many notes before passing out. My last words before passing out where these.

I love you! Sincerely, Ash—

  I awoke in the hospital three weeks after passing out. I was in a drug induced coma. My mom and dad flew back out and visited until I was out of the hospital. After that, they left. They didn't make a big deal out of my attempt of suicide.

   The bell rings. I go to my locker quickly so I don't get beat. The Royal highnesses of Ridgewood high walk up to me. "Who is the unlucky one tonight? Whore." The bleach blonde says. I don't say anything.

"I asked you a question you little bitch!"

    Ellis slaps me. I turn my back to her and walk away from my tormenter. "Get back here!" Ellis yells while running after me. She kicked the back of my knee, making me trip. I leave my things on the floor as I get up.

  "You want to fight me?" I ask.

   Ellis smirks as if saying yes. "Fine. Come here slut. Also don't give me that look. The whole school knows. Sweetie keep your panties on, It's not hard." I say while smirking. Ellis charges at me in heels. I step to the side and she stops after realizing I wasn't there.

I lean down and grab her heel.

    Ellis falls to the floor. "Looks like the roles have changed. Damnit! Your lying down. Reminder to your legs while your lying there, keep them closed." I say. Ellis gets up and grabs my hair. My head stings from the grip but I still plan out my next hit. Ellis laughs at the situation.

Not for long.

     I shove the bottom of my palm upwards on her nose. I hear a crack and a scream as my hair is released. I run to the bathroom to calm down. I spend the next two hours in the bathroom. The bell rings for lunch.

  I take my seat at the lonely table in the back of the cafeteria. I look around to see very one talking to their friends with smiles on. I frown. "Why are you frowning and why do you not have lunch?" A familiar voice asks. "Nothing and I eat at home." I say plastering a fake smile to my face.

"What the fuck is that?"

"What?" I ask confused. "That thing you were wearing on your face. It looked like a Barbie dolls smile when she looks at some one she hates." Kaylee says. "So you saw the fake smile?" I ask. Kaylee nods while eating her lunch. "There is something wrong. Please tell me." Kaylee pleads.

"It's personal. I only tell my best friends about it."

"Oh, okay. So you want to be my bestie?" Kaylee asks. "No. Let's start from square one. Friends?" I ask. "Friends." Kaylee says while smiling. What is this expression on my face? "Hey! Your smiling! I made you smile! I made you smile!" Kaylee chants.

I just laugh at her.

"Damn! I'm on a roll today!" Kaylee says while laughing at herself. I look around to see everyone is staring. I stop laughing and frown. "Ashley what's wrong?" Kaylee asks. I just move my eyes in the others direction. Kaylee stares at me confused.

"Why are they staring at me like I'm crazy?"

"You are because your sitting with me. Hey I got to go. See you later!" I shout while running out the door. I jump the fence and land on my left ankle. I scream in pain as I fall to the ground. I get up as fast as I can and start limping to my house.

I hear footsteps behind me.

  Not for one second did I ever look back. I thought Kaylee would give up but she was determined to catch up to me. There was no way in escaping so I stopped. My breathing was uneven and all of my injuries hurt. "Ashley! Are you okay?" Kaylee shouts.

My breathing picks up.

   Soon enough everything was spinning and getting darker every second. "Ashley! Come on you have to stay awake." Kaylee tells me. More dots appeared. Kaylee slaps my head hoping I wouldn't succumb to the darkness. After fighting it for a few seconds everything goes pitch black and silent.
Heyo! Hope you enjoyed the first official chapter of Thick and Thin. We would really appreciate it if you would  Vote + Comment! Enjoy the prequel!
—DarkAsh_theAngel17 out!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2016 ⏰

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