Chapter 15

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In the matter of a few short weeks Elvis, Pete and Sue became the best of friends. In addition to spending several hours after school in the music room, they also helped each other with their homework. They accepted Elvis the way he was, and when he suggested that they come to his house to meet his parents, their reaction was positive.

He ought to be happy now. But there was something missing from his life and he knew exactly what it was. There was no point in denying it, because every time he sang in the music room with his new friends he thought of the girl he used to sing with once upon a time. Wondering whether she'd heard these new songs, if she liked them or not, if she sang any of them while scrubbing dishes or clothes.

When Elvis met Loretta, when their friendship began to blossom, he was so certain that they would be a part of each others lives for a long time to come. They saw each other at church, of course, but few words were traded between them. Nothing more than polite hellos between people who used to French kiss in the clearing months ago.

"Pete, did you ever have a girlfriend?" Elvis asked one fine day, as they were waiting for Sue to arrive.

"Yes..." Pete said slowly.

"But you don't now so I'm guessin' you lost her."

"You want Barbara Jean back?"

Elvis cringed visibly. "No. This got nothin' to do with Barbara Jean."

"Someone else?" Pete ventured.

Elvis chewed on his lip as he considered whether it would be wise to tell Pete the whole story. "When I first moved here, when I was twelve, I went to the one room school house up there. I got to be real close with a real pretty girl that's fifteen– "

"Fifteen now or fifteen then?" Pete cut in.

Blushing at the question, Elvis mumbled, "Then."

"What did ya say?"

"Then," Elvis bellowed. "She's near eighteen now. We kinda were goin' with each other in the summer but she keeps on lookin' for a husband. That's all she'd talk about all the time, findin' a husband."

"Then why don't you tell her 'Hey, honey, I'm gonna be your husband'."

Elvis' eyes grew wide at the mere suggestion. "I can't get married."

"Not now you can't. But you can always make a promise to each other that you're gonna marry as soon as you can."

"She'd never believe it. She knows my mama would never let me get married."

"So she never heard of engagement?"

Before Elvis could reply, the door flew open and Sue strode in.

"Elvis is lovesick," Pete proclaimed, earning himself a glare from Elvis in response.

"Barbara Jean?" Sue asked.

Elvis groaned. "No. I went out with her a few times and she's been out with three guys since."'

"Girl from the hollers," Pete filled her in. "And near eighteen, she is."

Sue's gaze snapped toward Elvis, her eyes wide. "Really?"

"You wouldn't think it's so strange if you knew Loretta," Elvis said.

Pete laughed. "I'd really like to now cause you got me all curious about her. And I tell you, you gotta claim her. Or at least try to claim her."

"Maybe she really wants to be with you too but thinks you don't wanna be with her," Sue offered. Elvis frowned upon trying to process her words, his head spinning.

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