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Just to say this takes place two years after weird maggedon. So Dip and Mab are 15.

"Goodbye (H/T)..." I Say as the bus pulled off to Gravity Falls. My mother had left me to the care of my aunt and uncle, all the way in Oregon. She was to busy to take care of me, after all she is a single mother...

I pull up my headphones and begin to blast music into my ear, one headphone out so I didn't miss anything important. I wasn't much of a people person, I never really enjoyed being in crowds or party's either. I tended to just go into the woods instead of where everyone else was.

Nature was always magnificent, one moment calm, the next hectic as hell! It reminded me of myself in a way, calm but easily set off. I don't miss the city where I grew up. It was to much trouble for me and my mother just to walk down a street. She then moved to another place, then another, and another, until it became to difficult to raise me anywhere.

So here I am, on a bus to a place off grid. Nobody knows about this place, at least  nobody I've asked. My aunt and uncle had always wanted a child of their own. They just hadn't had the money to adopt one, or raise one. The government, am I right?

I dose off into a relatively deep sleep, somewhere near Oregon. Perhaps a state away, I don't know, and nor do I care.

"Last stop! Gravity Falls!" The bus driver says.

"O-Okay." I say sleepily standing up.

"You nervous?" He asked as I stood in the door way of the bus.

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't."

"Lemmy guess, family members you havnt seen in a while?"

"Yeah..." I sigh.

"I've been there kiddo. You have nothing to worry about!" He said reassuringly.

"I have everything to worry about." I say finally getting off the bus.

"Good luck!" He said driving off.

"(Y/N)! Over here!" Aunt Reena screams.

"Sorry we're late kiddo!" Uncle Tom says petting my head.

"It's alright." I sigh. I take a deep breath in and out.

"This place isn't all that bad." Tom said laughing.

"Anyway, we'll take your bags. This town is relatively small and it isn't a to far walk from where we live, if it's okay with you to walk?" Reena asks.

"Of course!" I smile. God I hate walking.

"Okay! We actually live right down that road." Tom says pointing to a dirt road.

"Okay!" I smile. At least it's not to far...

We begin our adventure to the magical dirt road. It actually only took five minutes, at most.

"Alright here we are!" Tom says opening the door to the house. It's okay for the middle of no where. It's not broken down, and it's sort of clean. It has two floors, and perhaps an attic too.

"Is it okay if I take a nap? Im very tired..." I say yawning.

"Of course! This is your home too!" Reena says walking up the stairs. "Alright this is your room, make yourself at home!" She says closing the door behind her.

"Home sweet home." I say jumping onto the bed and closing my eyes.


I don't remember much from my dream, if anything at all. In fact I forgot where I was waking up, until I got a good look of everywhere.

I looked at my watch, 9:30 AM. I walked down stairs quietly, not knowing if Reena and Tom were awake.

Dear (Y/N),

Me and Tom are out on the town, so if we're not back by the time you wake up, you'll know where we are!

- Reena

"Well since I'm here... I wonder where the attic is?" I say walking back up stairs.

As I walk down the hallway, I notice a rickety door covered in cobwebs with a do not enter sign. I opened it, no sign can tell me what to do! Through the door was a creaky stairwell leading to another door.

Cautiously I walked op the stairs to find the door was locked. I sighed and started to walk back down when I heard a CLICK of a lock. I walked a few steps back up and opened the door. The room was dusty and obviously abandoned. I slowly walked across the room, I didn't know how well the floor boards were.

The room was cluttered and old. There was only one large desk next to a large window. The desk was covered in dust, and I mean covered. Imagine the most dusty place in your house, then double that, then dump a crap ton of snow on it.

Through the dust a little bracelet with a yellow triangle charm sparkled in the morning light. I decided to pick it up, worst. Idea. Ever.

So much dust came off of that thing and Added to the dust in the room. With a coughing attack I some how managed to make it to the stairwell with the bracelet on.

I walked down stairs to the kitchen and turned on the sink. I placed the bracelet under the warm water to wash of the dust. As the dust wore away a faded eye was in the center, with the initials B.C. On the back. Thinking nothing if it I placed it in my wrist and made myself breakfast.

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