Best Friends Stick Together

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Characters up above not only for this chapter but for this book.

Sabrina's pov

I walked down the hall as the bell rang. Urg I hate school, I've already learned everything there is to know here and I'm tired of learning it over and over again."grumpy mood, huh Sabrina?" I heard Skyler chime in from behind me. We were heading towards training class and I was the Rep. Which means everyone has to at least TRY and take me on. I go easy of course, these guys are only novice so they need the help.
"Just tired of school is all..." I said quietly. "Did your brother call you at all? Didn't he say he would call you before training exams start? Because they start next week." I shook my head sadly. The brother she is talking about is my older brother Ace Stone, he's a good brother, but he hasn't found his mate yet. He likes to fool around with other girls which he knows I don't approve of. But above all he's a great big brother and I love him. "Uh Sabrina you there? EARTH TO SABRINA!" oh I must have been deep in my thoughts. "Uh sorry Sky- im just tired" a few students walked past us in their wolf form which means everyone is gathering for training outside. Me and Skyler quickly shifted and made our way outside. Once was made it outside everyone turned to me, some whimpered some stood there in shock knowing who I was and that they would have to take me on eventually. "Everyone has been working hard these few weeks am I correct?" I said sternly as I walked up to the big rock we had in the middle of our school training grounds. All I heard were some nervous 'yes' and 'sure's from all over. "Well let's put that to test. Who's up first? Anyone?" I looked around. I mind linked my friends from all for the school and they appeared behind me in a matter of seconds. They are all most of the top warriors at this school. Also friends and allies of the BloodStone pack so they all know me as my father and mother are the alpha and Luna.
"Haha I'll take you on!" I looked over to see... Of course the one and only worst warrior in the BloodStone pack... Lilla. She walked forwards and l jumped gracefully down off the rock to the middle of the arena. "So your still an omega I see Lilla?" I growled deeply at her. "Haha and you still haven't found a mate your whore" I scoffed and started to circle her. She carelessly lunged at me and I dodged it effortlessly. "You can do better than that cant you omega?" I said venom dripping from every word. "Shut up!" She screeched and I scoffed, once again she made another lunge at me, and once again I easily dodged it "Focus Omega!" She growled "STOP CALLING ME THAT!" she hissed and I scoffed. I lunged at her while she made a quick attempt to Dodge but couldn't and at the last second I tackled her on the ground at bit her neck. I stood up in victory and laughed shifting into human form once again.
"Can you guys finish up training? I need to go get cleaned up" I gestured to my somewhat ripped clothes that also had mud all over them now. They all agreed picking out people from the crowd and helping them with there stances as I walked away. I walked down to my locker which happened to be on the first floor. I unlocked it and grabbed my extra pair of clothes I always kept in there. I headed to the bathroom when I smelt something amazing... The smell of pine and maple? I continued walking to the girls bathroom till I reached the door, I walked in to a stall and started changing. I heard some girls enter the room. Then I heard Lilla's voice and her little gang of minions. I listened carefully not making a sound. Not even breathing. "She thinks she'll get away with embarrassing me like that!?" She growled I almost laughed but held it in. "That attention whore has it coming. But how will I get to her when in and out of school she's heavily guarded Samantha?" I could hear her shrug ,"I hate her soooooo much!!" She said dragging out the 'o'. "I think you should leave her alone then Lilla..." I heard Samantha speak up. "And why's that? She's a slut and she needs revenge planted on her for once" she laughed evily and they all left.
Geez they are some bitches huh?

I'm soooooo sorry but too of my books have been deleted since I lost interest in them and because I'm focusing only more important books, once again I am soooooo sorry but I hope you like this book instead!

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