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Ah, the morning. How the gentle strands of sunlight peek through the crack of the curtains. How the air holds a warm, comforting aroma of home. How the birds chirp jovially out the window. How you're so overwhelmed by complete and utter happiness. How you smile so widely at the feeling of him in your arms; the feeling of his hair in your face; the feeling of his breath against your neck.

And then your eyes open. You see his face right in front of yours and you swear you've woken up beside an angel. The softly glowing sun bathes his delicate features in a creamy yellow light, and you sigh at how gorgeous he looks. How gorgeous he is. Your hand comes up to gently stroke the side of his face, the silk like feeling of his skin beneath your fingertips causing your eyelids to flutter slightly.

And then his eyes open. Slowly. Gradually. Beautifully.

You find yourself immediately lost in an endless void of chocolate, and everything outside of the world his eyes create is forgotten as you soak in the sheer beauty and captivating effect of his dazzling hues.

And then he smiles. His perfectly shaped lips curving up slightly. Gracefully. Inimitably.

You feel a slight blush creep onto your cheeks as you continue to trace your eyes over the shapes and patterns of his utterly flawless face. His eyebrows that quirk and furrow in the cutest and most sensual ways possible; his eyes, again, which are unmistakably and undeniably breathtaking; his nose, with which he brushes along your own at times before a sweet kiss is being shared; his lips... his lips...

Those two plump, bow shaped, sweet, addicting lips that you crave and adore, especially when they're pressed against your own; those two lovely lips that slip over his tongue as his breath dances in through his nose and flutters out through his mouth; those two pink lips that look absolutely radiant when pulled up into a glorious smile as he laughs at you; those soft, tender lips that give you that deliciously familiar pull in the pit of your stomach when they leave burning trails down your neck. Goddamn those lips.

And then he kisses you. Sweetly. Softly. Passionately.

Your eyes flutter closed again as you begin to completely lose yourself in the feeling of melting further and further into the world of his unparalleled kiss. You sigh softly in contentment as his mouth moves in sync with your own, filling you up with that special warmth that you can't feel any other way. You move your hands up to cradle his face and gently pull him closer, the sweet taste of his lips pushing your craving for him on and on, until you leave no space for even the thinnest piece of paper to fit between your bodies. Having him like this has always given you a buzz, and you especially love the way your heart flutters when you feel him smile into the kiss.

Nothing compares to moments like these. The ones that never seem to end; the ones that have you caught up in a familiar kind of daze; the ones that twirl your heart in the most wondrous ways with each move he makes; the ones where you can wordlessly and unashamedly claim him as yours.

Every day spent with this adorable, sweet, hilarious, intelligent human being that you've fallen madly in love with is truly a gift.

Without him, your mind is clear, your thoughts are orderly, and your routines aren't interrupted. Your day goes by like any other, and your breath isn't constantly being sucked from your lungs. Your mind is occupied with other things you love, like the music you dance to like an idiot because no one's around to see, or the paintings you pour your heart into and dirty your hands creating, or the lyrics to a certain song you just listened to because of how much you relate to it. You keep yourself going, and the occasional thought of his smiling face, his loving eyes, his amazing laugh, and his comforting arms reminds you that you have more than a few things in this crazy world that are truly good. And you can't help smiling a little wider as you start to realize that there's perhaps a greater chance of him staying in your life than him leaving it. Because you know you've been promised before that someone you wanted to stay would stay, but they left. Yet somehow, he gives you hope. And you smile even wider as you realize that that's enough for you, and even wider still as you consider that maybe he'll never stop giving you hope, or proving that he takes you seriously. And you're above the clouds now, thinking about him. Just a little bit. And you can't help but think about how right it feels that you found him, that he looked your way on the day you met, and how it led to here. To him. Lying beside you in your bed, waking up like an angel and smiling at you and kissing you in the way that he does.

When you're with him, the fire that burns for him roars to life, and everything else fades away as you lose yourself in the wonder and the warmth and the comfort.

When you're with him, you are sent soaring. Your heart grows wings of it's own, and you swear if your rib cage wasn't as strong as it is, your heart would flutter, dance, cartwheel, and skip its way out of your chest.

When you're with him, you feel safe and happy, and you relish in his generosity and his honesty, and you never once second guess yourself on why he's with you, or why you're with him; why he's in your bed.

When you're with him, everything is utterly beautiful, and it feels so inconceivably right as he ever so sweetly claims you as his.

hey hey. republishing this with some changes. hope you like this :)) <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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