It's a -

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When I kissed drew, it felt real. And as cheesy as it sounds, it felt like we were the only two people on earth. And when he told me he loved me, I actually believed him. It was a feeling I never felt when I was with Josh.

What happened next caught me completely off guard.

Drew slowly pulled away from my lips and kneeled down so that his face was parallel with my stomach

"Drew are you ok?" I asked looking down at him, very confused

He slowly leaned in and kissed my stomach. He got up and gave me a big hug

"Chloe, I want you to know that I really do love you and care about you. I only want what's best for you." He said, still squeezing me

"Drew I-" I started

"Chloe, if you ugh.. will let me, I really want to be a part of this baby's life" he said letting go of me and touching my stomach

I just burst into tears. But for the first time in a long time, they were happy tears

"Chloe what's wrong?" He asked, looking worried

"Nothing" I said between breaths "it's just...why me?" I asked

"What do you mean?" He asked, wiping away my tears

"You... could have any girl Drew." I said "Why would you want some pregnant reject?" I said quietly

"Come here." He said again, pulling me in for a hug. "Your not a reject. You may be pregnant but who cares?"

Drew was by far, the sweetest guy I had ever met, and at this moment, I felt really bad for treating him like I did all these years.

"Now, we need to go pick up your stuff." He said, kissing me on the cheek.

He grabbed my hand and we walked seven houses down to the faded yellow one that was my home. Just the sight of it sent shivers down my spine.

"I'll go with you." He said, squeezing my hand

We walked into the unlocked door and braced ourselves to what we might find inside. I let Drew go first. We both looked around.

I whispered a sigh of relief "He's not here." I smiled

"Ok go get your things." He said, dropping my hand. He looked at the clock on the stove "we've got like five minutes before we have to leave Chloe!" He called from downstairs

I ran upstairs and grabbed my school bag that was sitting on my bed. I ran back downstairs, trying my best to get out of the house as quickly as I could

"Got it?" He asked

"Yeah, let's go." I replied, grabbing his hand and leading the way out the door and down the street.

"You can go ahead and get in. I'm gonna go get becca and my bag." He said, walking into the house.

I opened the door to his grey, ford explorer and got in. I threw my bag in the back. I pulled down the visor and just looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like I hadn't slept in weeks and my roots were already growing brown again.

Drew came outside and opened the door to the drivers seat. He sat down and shut the visor that I was using

"Your perfect." He said, putting on my seat belt for me

"Your so protective." I rolled my eyes

"Your so pregnant." He responded

"Thanks for reminding me." I smirked

Just then, becca opened the door to the back seat.

"Ok so who's going to tell me what's going on between you two?" She asked, gesturing towards our hands that were locked together.

Neither of us said anything

"So is it official? Are you two dating yet?" She asked "Because I mean gosh, it's pretty obvious."

"Seatbelt." He said, looking into his rear view mirror back at becca.

"Sorry loverboy." She replied, grinning back at him.

"What times the appointment?" He asked me.

"Two" I replied, staring out the window

"We'll meet up in the parking lot after school then." He said

We pulled into the schools parking lot and we got out. Chloe handed me my bag and the three of us walked through the doors. We made it just in time too because almost instantly the bell rang and the hall flooded with scurrying kids

"See you at lunch." Drew whispered in my ear, he kissed me and walked off to class

I went to first period pre calc. And almost fell asleep listening to the teacher. It was like that for second and third period two, sitting in the back, by myself trying to stay awake.

And then fourth period rolled around. The class I had been dreading all day. I braced myself as I walked into the class room. I promised myself that I wouldn't get upset and whatever it was that josh was doing, I wouldn't let it get to me.

I walked through the door and took my usual seat next to Amy

"Hey Chloe." She smiled

"Hi" I responded, slowly sitting down

I looked around an saw josh sitting next to a girl whose shirt was almost completely exposing her boobs.

He glanced back at me and almost immediately put his arm around her.

What a jerk.

Other than that, an him glancing back at me about a trillion times, class went by pretty smoothly.

I grabbed my things and Amy and I walked to lunch. I hadn't realized how funny she was, and I was gasping for breath the whole way there

"There she is." Drew said smiling
He stood up and kissed me "It's nice to see you smiling again."

"Yeah." I replied, still grinning like a Cheshire Cat."

I took a seat next to drew and we all talked, and laughed, and acted the way teenagers should be acting.

Lunch ended and I walked to fifth period alone, and sat alone like I typically do. The same followed for sixth.

The bell finally rang and I met becca and drew in the parking lot.

"Hey beautiful." Drew smiled, hugging me

Beautiful. That's what josh called me.

Becca was leaning against the car, texting on her phone.

"It's already 1:50" she reminded us

"Coming." He said, pulling back and rolling his eyes

We all got into the car and drew grabbed my hand and started up the engine

We drove in silence almost the whole way there

"Is ugh.. Josh coming?" Asked drew

"Doubt it." I responded

I decided to text him one last time before the appointment

*last chance josh. Are you coming or not? _chloe*

We finally pulled into a little blue building that reminded me of a cottage.

Drew helped me out and all three of us walked inside

I walked over to the check in counter.

"Hi.. I ugh have an appointment two o clock." I told the lady sitting at the counter.

"Name?" She asked

"Chloe. Chloe Johnson." I responded

"Here it is." She said looking at a computer screen. "The nurse will be right out"

I took a seat in the middle of drew and becca. I looked around the room at all the other women-some of which were giving me weird looks. They were all well into the 20s if not older, and here I was 16 and almost month pregnant.

"Chloe Johnson?" Called a women wearing scrubs in the doorway.

"That's me" I said, standing up

Drew and becca stood up behind me

"Um immediate family only please." She said, looking at becca and drew

"Are you the father?" She asked drew

"Yes." I lied

He smiled and grabbed my hand

"We'll be right out becca." He said, she was already sitting in a chair texting away.

"Hi Chloe." The nurse said as soon as we were in a room "and you are?"she asked drew

"It's drew" he said. Still holding my hand

"Ok. So Chloe I'm going to have you lay down on the table and just relax." She smiled

Drew grabbed a seat next to the table

"Ok so what I'm going to do is give you an ultrasound so we can see your baby" she said, grabbing a machine from the corner of the room

She lifted up my shirt and I glanced over at drew, who was casually flipping through a magazine, trying not to make me feel awkward.

"This is going to be a little bit cold." She warned

She put some kind of gel on my stomach and moved a wand thing back and forth.

An image of a small, alien like creature appeared on the screen.

"And there she is." She smiled

"She?" Asked drew.

"Yes, it's a healthy baby girl, congratulations." She smiled

I looked over at drew who was beaming. He looked so genuinely happy, and don't get me wrong, so was I. Once I finally got past the regret of being so stupid, I started loving the baby more and more.

The doctor wiped the gel off my stomach. I sat up and pulled down my shirt.

Drew got up and gave me a hug

"I'll bet she'll look just like you." He smiled

Yeah. I thought. But what if she looks just like josh. Just then, the uneasy feeling returned.

We both walked out of the room, hand in hand and out to the waiting room.

"Hey guys!" Becca jumped up to see us.

Drew looked at me

"You can tell her." I smiled back at him

"It's a girl." He whispered,

They were both smiling and laughing, and rubbing my stomach

I pulled out my phone and texted Josh

*Its a girl. Not that you'd care. _chloe*


A Little Hope *Another Teen Pregnancy Story*Where stories live. Discover now