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As soon as Junho finished what he said, the nurse came in strolling in there baby girl in a bed. The nurse soon left and Junho gave to baby boy to Hyoyeon and went and pick up the baby girl. She looked alot like Hyoyeon and the boy look like Junho. Hyoyeon then shed a tear of happiness seeing her babies and Junho carrying them. Soon the 2PM and SNSD came into the room with baby stuff for both the girl and the boy. They were so happy that they were now uncle and aunty. Taeyeon then drag Junho out of the room to talk to him.

"Did you talk to her yet?"

"Yes, I did and I told her that I want her back"

"Well did she say anything back to you?"

"No, all she did was listen when I told her the things that I wanted to say. I also might be leaving soon too since my father said that I have to do some errand for him in the states."

"You can't just leave them like that. She needs you and you know it. She know that she also need you too but she won't admit it. She has been missing you alot and she is always thinking of you."

"Well if she don't want me back then I can't force her too. I don't want to put more than enough pressure on her since she has been through so much already when she was with me and when I wasn't there to support her and give her comfort."

Just then Junsu and Wooyoung walk out of the room searching for them. 

"Ahh here you guys are. Me and Junsu hyung has been looking all over for the two of you. What are the two of you talking about?" ask Wooyoung

"Ahh we were just talking abut stuff." said Junho

"Yah, don't lie to me. I know that something is wrong with you. What is it and you better tell me." demand Junsu

"Aishh, since that you two are already here then I will tell the two of you. Junho is going to go to the states soon and he wants Hyoyeon to accept him back, but he doesn't know if Hyoyeon wants' to be back with him or not." said Taeyeon

"BWOH! Didn't you sign the divorce paper though?" ask Wooyoung

"Anni, I never signed it and I never will sign it. I love her too much to sign it, and if she can't acccept me then I am going to stay in states until she forgets me."

"Michyeosseoyo! What if she does need you to be there for her and her kids. What will she tell her kids when they grow up and ask about there father. Do you want her to tell them that they don't have a father? You better think about it first, just by looking at her, I know that she really need you and she need you more now since she has the teins now." said Junsu

"But hyung she doesn't eben want to look at me. Even holding our kids, she wont let me. I really want to get back with her but she just don't want to. And I'm leaving for the states the night after tomorrow. Don;t tell her that I'll leave. I don't want ther to worry."

"Aishh, I'll try to convinve her to move back and live with you again. She know that she wants to but she is just being stubborn" said Taeyeon

"Well I do hope that she will listen to you. I really want her back. I miss her so much."

"Let's go back into the room before they think of anything else. We have been gone for quite awhile too" said Wooyoung

"Let's go then" said Taeyeon

"You guys go ahead and tell the rest that I'm going back to the company. I need to go back to the company and do some paper works and get some other paperworks from my dad."

"Okay we'll see you tomorrow and due think about it too."

With the conversation ending like that, Junho weack to the company and he had a long thought of it. He finally made his decisions on what to do.


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