The Blind Young Mate

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I was born this way. All I ever see is darkness. I live with my so called dad, I never in my life called him my dad after I was 8. It used to be me my dad and my mom. We lived a happy life, we would always hang out and go out and would always be laughing. That was before the supernatural creatures took over. One day me and my mom were baking cookies while dad was watching with a smile, and all of a sudden the front door was burst open. In walked a group of big men that where as white as snow and as gold as the couches. My mother screamed when she saw then and my father yelled at her to run. The white man in front froze and stared at my mom then smiled. In a flash he was in front of her and pulled her close and kissed her. What I didn't get at the time was why mommy didn't fight back. Didn't she have daddy not this strange man. She pulled away and smiled then she looked at me and then stared at daddy she frowned then said to daddy I'm sorry but he's my mate I cant I'm just I'm sorry Roger I'm sorry. She stared to tear up then and the white man shushed her while pulling her close. He saw me standing there staring at him with confused eyes and smiled sadly at me. Alright boys leave the man and child lets go and just like that he and all the other man left and brought mommy along with them. Dad started to cry then I didn't know what to do I walk over and hugged him. He froze and stared at me. You have your mother eyes he softly said then he grabbed me really tight and took me to the shed. He poured something really hot on my eyes. I screamed and screamed he did it again and again till I pasted out cause of the pain. When I woke up it was dark and I couldn't see anything. That was the day I realized I was blind and that my daddy didn't love me any more. Over the years vampires and werewolves took over the world and Roger my used to be loving dad would drink more and more and hit me over and over again. Beth my used to be mom never came back no matter how mush I wished she would. I'm now 13 years old and walking down town to get my dad more beer. He hit me a lot today so I wouldn't be surprised if my face looked bad. As I was walking I heard a group of teenage boys up ahead. Normally I would turn around and take a short cut but I was almost out of time and Roger would be mad. As I got closer I heard the boys stop talking and stare at me. I ran into someone and the boy rapped his arms around me so I wouldn't fall. My breath court in my mouth as he pulled me closer. "Mine" he growled softly and I froze oh no I thought he's a werewolf. The boy slowly lifted my head up. I could feel him starting at me. He slowly stroked his fingers on my eyes and then kissed them. "Your blind" he whispered I nodded my head slowly and could feel his lips on my forehead. 'That's okay ill never let you out of my sight" he said. I didn't know what to say I was frozen. The strange boy pulled me over to his friends I got scared and pulled myself closer to the boy. He stopped and moved me so I was facing him then he lifted me up and had me wrap my legs around his waste and held me on his hip. I felt like a baby but I liked it so I didn't complain. When the boy got to his friends I felt him grab Roger beer that i bought and opened a can. "That's nnn not yy yoo yours ss" I shuttered quietly. I felt him lean back against a wall still holding me on his hip with 1 arm and the other to hold the beer. "Well I know its not yours" he said softly with his head nuzzling my neck soothingly. I shuttered and pulled myself closer to him. He pulled his head away and took a sip of the beer. I could hear all of his friends taking a beer, they all stared to talk again but the boy holding me didn't say anything I could just feel him nodding at what the boy next to him said. I slowly poked the boy holding me in the neck. He turned his head and kissed my forehead "what is it baby?" he asked. "I I I hh have ttt to oo gg go" I shuttered quietly. "No" he growled loudly. All the boys stopped and it was dead silent. I got really scared and shrunk in his arms and stared to silently cry. He looked at the boys "what are you looking at" he hissed. When the boys started to talk again he looked down at me and pulled close again. "Its okay baby I'm sorry shshsh its okay I'm sorry don't cry its okay" he whispered to me softly when my head was in his neck and his was in mine so that my whole face was covered. I slowly stopped crying then wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled my head into his neck more. He held me tightly and then pulled me back and whipped my face. "I'm sorry baby, but you cant leave me baby your mine now and you always will be" he said then kissed my forehead. "B bbb but ww why?" I asked quietly. The strange boy chuckled quietly and then said "because your my mate and your mine." "Do you want to tell me who the beer was actually for and why your beautiful face has a burse on it." he asked. "Th th th the bb beer rr ii is fff for mm my dd dad an and th the bb burse ii is fr fr from hh him" I said quietly still shuttering. I felt the boy start to shake from anger so I pulled his face to mine and put are faces together so are foreheads touched. I felt him slowly stop shaking then I felt him lift my head a little and the next think I felt was his soft lips touch mine ever so gently. I froze for a minute then I slowly and shyly moved my lips just as gently with his. He smiled and then took his sweet tasting lips away from mine. I whimpered and moved closer wanting to feel the sweet lips on mine again. I heard him chuckle and he pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. "Its okay baby well finish this later but right now its time to go" he said. "Are you ready man I want to bang some hottys" one of the boys friends said. "Yeah yeah we can leave now" he said with a sigh. I felt him start to move with me still on his hip, and i knew that all the guys were walking to some kind of destination. "WW where a are ww we going?" i asked with less shuttering. "Were going to a party and your going to stay in my arms the whole time." the strange boy said. "Okay I promise" I said and lend up to kiss his cheek. I herd him chuckle and felt him kiss my cheek too. "What's your name?" I asked. "My name baby is Zack what about yours sweetie?" Zack asked. I giggled and said "my names Girl." "Girl?" Zack asked. "yup i mumbled while rubbing my face into his neck. "Well that's a cool name but I think I like baby better" Zack mumbled while kissing my forehead. 'Okay" I mumbled while I felt my face heat up. The boys stopped and I heard loud music and smelt a lot of alcohol. I pulled myself closer to Zack and whimpered. "what's wrong baby its okay remember your goanna be in my arms the whole time okay?" Zack said as he rubbed my back. I nodded my head and felt him walk closer and then inside the house. It was loud and I felt bodies bump into me and Zack.

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